


So lately i'v been having sort of weird things happen. Il glance at something for a second or see it out of the corner of my eye and I will see something weird and ill turn back and it will be normal. Not like seeing something that's not there but my eyes will make something different out of what it is. Like for an example I saw a water bottle out of the corner of my eye and i swear it looked full, but i looked at it and it wasent. So just little things like that.
Its weird because nothing like this have ever happened to me up until the past few months. I'm not sure if drugs have done this or what, but iv been drinking quiet a bit lately and i got possession and had to quit weed so iv been using jwh-018(spice, k2, happy shaman).

Is this the starting stages of becoming a schitzo?
And what should i do? I don't want this to keep going worse and go insane or some shit.
Seeing something out of the corner of your eye can always trick you into thinking you are seeing something else. That has always happened to me... I mean I've seen what I thought were some pretty crazy things out of the corner of my eye. You may just be paying more attention to it now. I honestly wouldnt worry about it.
yeah probably your brain is tired from the drugs, and also smoking shit could definitely make you have little hallucinations and stuff
It's called "hypervigilance", and it can be caused from drug use (usually amphetamines or hallucinogens), but if you discontinue use, the symptom will subside over time.
Misperceiving things for a couple seconds is called an illusion in psychiatry. Like thinking a garden hose is a snake or a shirt hanging in a dark room is a person.

Most of the time illusions with no other symptoms are not indicative of a disorder. Most people have an increase in such things when they are short on sleep or are stressed out. If hallucinations, delusions, or thought disorders are occurring though its probably time to get help. Perhaps the illusions are an early warning sign of indulging way more than is good for you or some other problem, but illusions without other symptoms aren't usually a cause for big concern imo.
Those are normal parts of perception for some reason or another in my book, going fucking nuts over these little "tricks" of your senses is what would make you a possible crazy person stemming from this issue.
Such occurrences are completely normal and happen to everyone. If drugs are involved, they exasperate the overall feeling that strange things are happening. I wouldn't worry myself if I were you. Besides, a true schizophrenic doesn't normally become aware of their self-imposed illusions. They generally believe everything they see and hear to be 100% real and part of the illness involves being unable to distinguish said experiences from reality unless they're under therapy, and that's something you are clearly able to do.

Perhaps you should cut back on any drug use. If you do, you will experience this much less but it should be noted that everyone I've ever known has experienced this and it's nothing more than your mind and eyes playing a trick.
i think i have permanent brain damage from high school LSD usage so maybe that might can mess u up
o but i did alottta acid and seen shit while trippin but afterwards im usually good for the most part