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Salvia Dose


Jul 16, 2010
All the dosing things I've seen have been pretty vague so figured I'd ask...

Does anyone have a very rough estimate of how much unstandardized 20x extract I need for take off? I'm planning to end up with about 5 grams and just trying to figure out roughly how much 1 trip is because I don't want to waste and whatnot.

If anyone has any dose estimates with 10x or standardized or anything, that will still help me. I just need a very rough estimate, I can mess with the doses when I have it. 500 mgs (1/2 gram), 250 mgs (1/4 gram), 125 mgs (1/8 gram)? Just tell me a number from your experience that would be more than enough.
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I had the one by sage wisdom 20x 1g and I used about half the bag and took one small rip and it had me in giggles and that heavyness you get as well.

the bag looked short though =l I got an extra for free so I didn't get mad.
Looking at the Erowid chart I realize I must have misread it before or something, it shows 5x... 1/8 - 1/4 g for strong which would mean take off I'm assuming? So if I do just 125 mgs of 20x that should be more than enough? That seems like so little, it doesn't sound right... Maybe I'm overestimating the weight of Salvia or is the chart just lowballing?
salvinorin is really really potent, keep in mind the extracts can vary in potency. the best way to find a good dose, is to start small and work your way up
I realize how potent it is, if it wasn't so potent there would be no use for these extracts, you'd just have pure Salvinorin A.

Also I realize how much they can vary, especially unstandardized extract. I'm just trying to find around where I need to be, I mean according to Erowid 20x would require way less than 125 mgs. But if 20x was that potent then the more potent extracts have pretty much no reason to exist so it doesn't sound right.

This is more for reference and general knowledge I guess...