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Salvia, Acid, and DMT. What they're like? Or just rambling.


Jan 10, 2010
What it feels like to be on salvia when
you're a retard. (Acid And DMT come next)

When you take it, you suddenly fall and rise into
this other place. You wake up there, confused.
These beings around you suddenly try to tell you
that you need to come with them to the next layer
or you'll be stuck in the one you're in, forever.
You feel this urgent sense of panic as you try
to figure out how to come with them, but they
usually find a way to make you transition to the
next layer. Then they tell you the same thing.
Layer after layer, you urgently panic your way
through the salvian dream with these salvian
entities. Then, suddenly, the entities leave you
in one of the layers and you try to tell them
to come back and take you again, but they just
leave you. And then you realize the layer you're
in is the one where you're in your bedroom with a
pipe beside you and forever after you feel like
you're stuck forever more in a salvian layer.

Then you take aCiD and your perceptual landscape
turns into a higher-order spatial funhouse where
everything you look at has a morphological tendency
to increase in # of dimensionality, not by one dimension,
but through a spectrum ranging up to infinity dimensions.
As you look at an object and move your eyes around,
the object will change in its number of dimensions
through an infinitely sensitive spectrum. Your entire
vision is this dimensionally morphological realm that

Then you take dMt and suddenly, everything morphs rapidly
through the dimensions and becomes infinity-D, and you break
through into a different reality where surrealism is so
integral that the most real thing about the realm is that
it is infinitely real in comparison to anything else
because the surrealism breaks your ego, breaks through any
boundary and lets nothing on earth compare in lucid
realization to what you're actually experiencing.