This round's theme is MORNING as selected by your reigning champion: @mal3volent.
This round is meant to be quite open to interpretation. Morning can mean, literally, a shot of a sunrise, but it could also mean something else... it's for you to decide. Just no dick pics!
Submissions must be original photographs, with or without minimal pre or post editing.
Submissions are now open! Take some photos, or select an existing original photo of yours, and submit it! It doesn't have to be a photo you take now, it can be something from the past, as long as you've taken it yourself, and you haven't submitted it before.
LAVA Photo Contest Rules
- This contest is open to everyone, regardless of equipment and skill level.
- Submissions will be taken until July 31st (subject to change depending on participation level).
- Voting will open from August 1st through August 15th (subject to change depending on participation level).
- Photographs or variations of a photograph cannot be recycled from previous rounds.
- Photographs must be your original work.
- Post your photo in the the form of an image, not a link to click on.
- To insert an image, host the image on a 3rd party site and post it using the picture button or this code [IMG]...[/IMG].
- Those who wish to participate in sharing full versions of their entries may do so by providing a link to the full sized version in the same post as their entry.
- Please be sure the dimensions of your photo are not obtrusive when displayed.
- Free image resizing and hosting website - Imgur, or Imgbb
- Images can be easily resized in Bluelight posts by simply dragging them from the corner into the size you want
- The winner shall be crowned and known throughout the land (of BL) henceforth as The Rising Sun (or another title of your choosing related to the theme; you could be The Rising Son if you wanted to and ain't scurred of God or nothin')
- Don't be boring! Don't vote for your own photo. Make it fun and pick a favorite from your worthy competitors.
- Just don't be like these guys
- Or them
- At least not in here
Previous thread
Win the contest and earn a new custom profile title in time to flex your profile to everyone as you enter the manic state that is full Springtime!
Submit as many entries as you want and get feedback on them. If you submit multiple photos and do not specify which one you want to go with, the most recent will be chosen for voting. Please be aware of when the contest will close, it will be announced ahead of time. Once the final entries are put into the first post and voting is opened, we cannot change your entry. |