Rolex-prone to panic attacks


Dec 10, 1999
I am the worst! After I roll, I can't drive for like a week! I get all paranoid and the car seems small and I feel like I need to get out and walk! Is this normal? (I've done alot of acid too?)
I also suffer from panic attacks and extreme anxiety. I have done alot of acid and methamphetamine. I tend to get it bad the days after taking any hard drugs, and if i abstain for a month or more I am as normal as the next person. I have just learnt to deal with this, and occasionally dable in some anti-anxiety/depression medication (valium, prozac, ami-tryptaline) to help.
Ive had panic attacks so bad i thought i was going to die.
From what i have read, its common for E to cause this (along with almost all drugs to some extent). Its interesting though, I wonder if its inherent with conciousness-altering in general, or is to do with serotonin depletion or some other nuerochemical imbalance. Maybe both. Definitely some people seem more susceptable than others though.
Anyway, hope this helps.
P.S. The only real solution if its getting bad is to stop taking drugs. I guess you just have to way up the pros and cons.
What my life needs is 99 levels of undo.