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Ritalin 20mg LA - ROA?


Feb 2, 2014
Okay, firstly I'm sure these questions have been asked before but, again there is so much inconsistent "knowledge" given in answers... So I thought I'd ask you guys for some guidance.

Have a script for Ritalin LA capsules 20mg and want to know what the difference in experience would be opposed to plugging 80mg Dexamphetamine or so. Some say Ritalin is similar to Cocaine and nothing like a 'speed'

Anyway some information would be appreciated :)
That doesn't sound right at all, Ritalin is Methylphenidate which is nothing like cocaine.
People say IV Ritain is comparable to IV coke. But that isn't a habit you want to fall into, especially if you have a steady supply. Trust me. However with all other ROA it is much more comparable to an amphetamine.

One thing Ritalin does have going for it is its synergy with alcohol. I used to really enjoy the combination, although the comedowns can be very unpleasant.

If you do want to experiment with them recreationally then your best bet would be to crush up the beads inside the capsules and swallow/snort/plug. I personally find Ritalin to have considerably more recreational value than dexamphetamine. Obviously that is just my 2 cents.
Methylphenidate is relatively similar to cocaine in my experience, I wouldn't say the two drugs are almost identical or anything but snorted methylphenidate is probably the closest buzz to snorted cocaine that I have experienced. As I understood it, both drugs work primarily by inhibiting the re uptake of dopamine and I vaguely recall reading a number of years ago that the two drugs were nearly indistinguishable to cocaine users when administered IV and the user is told it is cocaine, I could be wrong on that though.

I would say with ritalin you can expect a more euphoric but shorter lasting buzz than you would get using dex. It certainly has a fairly speedy high but for whatever reason I always felt that the jittery effects were less with it than using amphetamines. I seem to recall it increases your heart rate quite a bit though.

It is too many years since I used both drugs to compare doses on a mg basis, 80mg seems like a high dose of methylphenidate to me though and I would probably start with 30-40mg, assuming you have some experience using the drug orally, if not it might be better to start with 20mg just to be safe and make sure you aren't sensitive to it.
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Fuck I love this forum - genuine people with experience and knowledge that are able to articulate information, without passing judgement, so that it is understood by people like myself.
Now back to the Ritalin - If I was to plug would it be necessary to filter, if so would a coffee filter CWE be fine? - those little beads are painful to crush. I do have a pill crusher that's hopeless at crushing them, and I don't have a mortar & pestle.
I am not the most experienced plugger and have never plugged ritalin, I think it would be possible to do without filtering but there is a reasonable chance the solution may absorb more efficiently if you do filter.

I would think if you opted to filter then a coffee filter CWE would probably be fine, worst case scenario it wont remove all the solids and it might be a little less effective than a more thorough filter but it should do the job.
There's no need to micron when you're plugging, though there's no such thing as too safe.

Crushing up your ritalin is the most important variable for absorption afaik.
You want it dissolve as much as possible.
This may sound as if I'm capable as a five year old, but damn it's difficult to crush all of those little beads. I've tried a 'screw down' pill crusher - didn't work. I've tried spoons - beads flew everywhere. For the last plug I did I placed the beads in a small dish and crushed with a spoon - really ineffective method to join the list.
Surely some intelligent person has conjured a better way...
I honestly feel so stupid, a forum I always enjoyed but was too scared to join for fear of judgement, I go ahead and ask a question like this. I will go back and hide under my rock now.
mortar and pestle, bead crushers best friend. protip: use an eggcup.
Black t shirt wrapped up so you can easily unfold the contents and a fucking hammer or such.

When I crush up Concertas or Oxycontins of MS contins this method always works. The tshirt is then unwrapped onto a clean DRY bench and 2 credit cards to scrape the contents off the bench and into a DRY cup and easy easy easy
The coke/ Ritalin comparison is just that TBH. Although at a molecular level they are almost identical in structure the effects are very similar but different. Take the Ritalin for what it is. It's not coke. No matter how much you do you will not get a classic coke high.

I'd even avoid snorting it or plugging or IV. Just break the time release and enjoy a 2-4 hour dopamine high. Be advised that just like Coke when you add Alchohol it has a synergy. Just don't drink too much or too early.

And even though it is prescribed to children it is a powerful stimulant and needs to be treated with respect. It is not a cold and flu tablet/ Panadol or red bull.

I'd even say avoid crushing and just take more of the LA as LA. It's Safer and the comdown is enormously more tolerable.

LA is meant to last 6 hours... Crush it and it will last more like 2. I'd just take a safe amount more and have a few beers later.

I'm percribed Concerta and Ritalin IR and have been down this road enough times now to have reached my conclusion.
Black t shirt wrapped up so you can easily unfold the contents and a fucking hammer or such.

When I crush up Concertas or Oxycontins of MS contins this method always works. The tshirt is then unwrapped onto a clean DRY bench and 2 credit cards to scrape the contents off the bench and into a DRY cup and easy easy easy

Surely using fabric is more problematic than something like paper? Pourous and difficult to ensure sterility if that is relevant (ie any injection ROAs). A shirt could harbour all kinds of nasty fungal or bacterial shit you wouldn't want to inject straight into your bloodstream - stuff that even a good micron filter won't necessarily clear out of contaminated drugs.

Glossy, non absorbent paper or card - like magazine cover or some such? Easy to sterilise with iso or whatever.
Anything else just seems to be a bit risky in terms of potential health complications, to me, anyway.
Obviously ROA is crucial - but I don't think it pays to be too trusting of the thoroughness of any basic home filtration system (even the best of microns don't filter out all of the bad shit in pills, not to mention other freaky microscopic stuff that you can unwittingly be putting into the mix)

Also thought I'd add re: using credit cards etc to prepare drugs.
Personally I never - ever - let things to be put into/out of my wallet to come into contact with any kind of drug, or drug related what-have-you.
Besides the aforementioned dirt-factor of any surface that spends its life squished against up against your arse or any other random dodgy places your wallet could end up, is the tendency in airports (and various well financed law enforcement shady types) to single out your wallet (among other things - but specifically your wallet) for swab/particle testing.
It's like "identify a drug user 101" forensics.
Don't give these cunts a free shot at ya - be a bit discreet!
Word to the wise; fuck the man. Your drugs and your wallet should be kept apart (like old lovers or mortal enemies) and never the twain shall meet.
That's just me - some people seem to have a fascination with getting drug residue ingrained into their legal identification cards (not to mention sticking filthy fucking banknotes up their nose) but I just wouldn't think of reaching for my wallet in preparing anything even remotely illegal. Banknotes are notorious for testing positive to various drug residues, but even with that in mind... I dunno, call me paranoid - I'd just rather be vigilant in easily brushing off what is - in some cases - routine scrutiny of an individual. The evidence stands that "they" are out to get us...so a little paranoia is par for the course, whether you take illicit drugs or not IMO.
I take my law abiding citizen charade very seriously, perhaps it's a personal choice - but I would encourage people not to self-incriminate by contaminating shit that you carry on your person at all times with drug residue.

I agree that crushing Ritalin to break the slow-release mechanism is fine - but don't snort that shit (unless you have some kind of elaborate way to filter out all the inactives and binders that constitute the vast majority of any pill or pulverised pill powder).
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Okay, firstly I'm sure these questions have been asked before but, again there is so much inconsistent "knowledge" given in answers...

These psycho-stimulants are usually prescribed to individuals diagnosed with ADHD, and the effects vary depending on the individual and/or ADHD type. For example, the effects (and side effects) of Ritalin on somebody with "Inattentive ADD" (without hyperactivity) might not be the same on somebody with "Classic ADHD" (with hyperactivity)... or somebody with no ADD/ADHD at all. Heck, when an "ADDer" is first being put on meds at the beginning, the dosage and medication type is mostly by trial and error to determine what formula works best. Hence the inconsistencies.

Having said this, I'm diagnosed with ADHD-PI (inattentive type without hyperactivity). Throughout the years I was being scripted with Generic Methylphenidate, Ritalin SR, Adderall XR, Dexedrine IR (Dexamphetamine) and Ritalin IR. I'm currently scripted 15mg Novartis Ritalin IR 3x daily (Brand-name Methylphenidate). All work equally well on me to treat my ADHD-PI when administered as prescribed. Just the "effects" and "side effects" feel different.

For example:
Being the Inattentive type (aka "space cadet") I tend to procrastinate with useless stuff. Ritalin gives me an "energy boost" to get up and do things. On the other side Dexedrine (Dexamphetamine) would calm me down, clear any "mind fog" and get me throughout a book without my mind drifting in all directions.

That is when administered as prescribed.... but on occasion I've also plugged (Rectal ROA) each and every one...

Have a script for Ritalin LA capsules 20mg and want to know what the difference in experience would be opposed to plugging 80mg Dexamphetamine or so. Some say Ritalin is similar to Cocaine and nothing like a 'speed'

Despite Dexedrine (Dexamphetamine) being significantly more potent (per mg) compared to Ritalin (Methylphenidate), it's much "softer-acting". Ritalin IR is hard-acting with sharp spikes and steep curves. When administered as prescribed, I feel momentarily aroused as it kicks-in half hour later, and I feel a sudden headache when it wears off 4 hours later. When plugging 40mg Ritalin -- oh my!!! It hits fast and hard. Within 3 minutes I would feel huge amounts of energy starting to build-up, within 10 minutes feeling extremely aroused and horny... and within 15 minutes I would be "speeding" and hyper-active with an urge to move (go out inline skating, clubbing, etc).

Plugging 40mg of Dexedrine has no real recreational value for me. At best, it would get me in a "mellow high" and chill on the couch hyper-focusing for hours.

I just plugged 50mg Ritalin IR to start writing this post, and now (10mins later) let's just say I'm extreemelyy horny... oh!!! so horny must go out for a walk !!!! :)
Less is more with ritalin- there's a point(a dose) where you reach; it does not get any more euphoric, or the good effects don't increase. you just stay awake. but the side-effects(comedown) gets much, much worse. more worse than meth comedown.

OK, it is subject weather Ritalin is euphoric, i would say the first 30mins to 1 hour is(not a great deal), then it's really not, but you notice it. i guess its a good focus tool. but pretty dirty drug in my experience.

dex is euphoric. ritalin is not really, to-say.
some people seem to have a fascination with getting drug residue ingrained into their legal identification cards (not to mention sticking filthy fucking banknotes up their nose) but I just wouldn't think of reaching for my wallet in preparing anything even remotely illegal.

Haha! I've always had the exact same thought about that.

When I go through immigration at Melbourne airport after coming back from somewhere, I almost always get taken aside and have all my shit gone through and they always take swabs of the inside of my wallet including the tips of the cards in there. And they find nothing because I don't use my license or bank card to line up drugs with. There are a million other things that work as well or better.

Also, I have only once tried to snort something using a bank note, and I wonder... how the fuck do people do that?! Maybe it's because the AUD is made of polymer and is slippery, but I can't roll it tight or get it to stay as a tube. Again, straws are everywhere - convenience stores, fast food places, supermarkets. You can buy a hundred drinking straws for a dollar, cut them in half and you have two hundred straws which you can use and dispose of to stay hygienic. And a half-straw can sit in a pocket without being noticeable - even if patted down.

OK, sorry for the off topic, but I have a question which may be incredibly stupid but I have to ask: Why do people (in the movies and I assume IRL) use mirrors to snort coke off? What advantage does a mirror have over any other hard, flat surface?
Why do people (in the movies and I assume IRL) use mirrors to snort coke off? What advantage does a mirror have over any other hard, flat surface?

Good question. I personally try to avoid my own reflection at all costs when I'm on a drug binge. I don't appreciate reminders of how far gone I am!
OK, I'm glad I'm not the only one that doesn't get the mirror thing.

And I LOL'd at your comment, which I totally relate to: it's funny (in a dark way) that of all the stupid, life-threatening binges I've been on, it was catching my reflection in the mirror of a Men's room on day 3 of an alcohol binge with nearly no sleep. I thought I'd seen a ghost! -of myself in ten years time! I was sheet white, dehydrated to the point that my face looked taught and bony, had huge dark rings around my eyes which stood out even more because of my pale complexion, and just looked like a hollow shell. Which is how I felt.

I called it quits (the binge) and went back to the hotel and slept for a long time (and avoided mirrors for the next few days).
So I've been on every different formulation of Ritalin over the past 4 years, including the LA capsules with the little irritating beads. I can recommend 30mg as being the max initial dose without causing discomfort.

What you have to do is get a piece of paper (normal a4 printer paper is best) fold it in half and pour the little beads onto the paper in the crevasse of the fold. Try and spread the beads out to a single layer if possible. Then fold your paper over (beads stuck inside) and roll a nang (or a large Bic lighter) over the paper, crushing the beads into a fine powder. Repeat if necessary. The best ROA for this is probably plugging IMHO, dissolve the powder (must crush the beads first) and ~4ml of water into an oral syringe and squirt it up your bum.

I've even made freebase (essentially Ritalin crack..) methylphen and I can assure you plugging the pills is the best. No need to filter anything, pill mass was going to come out your bum anyway. If your not comfortable with that - the powder is now instant release to taking it orally is still fairly coke like. I've been to south america for 3 months and I still rate ritalin over even the best coke, and I've been taking it daily for years.