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Recovery Advice


Feb 28, 2012
Hi, I'm writing so that other ppl who are thinking about stopping Crystal Meth, Adderall or Amphetamines in general will have some hope. I been waaaaaaay down there emotionally. Thinking I would NEVER in 100 years get better. But I just focused to stay around positive people, and also realize that I'm getting older. So the whole stealing from parents thing wasn't working anymore. I was squeezing myself into homelessness.
I know a lot of us think that it's way too hard to quit. That we'll never be able to do it on our own, but I can stand here and say I've been sober from Amphetamines since about Jan-Feb.
I was also addicted to opiates and I haven't done that since Feb-Mar.
It is tough, but you must think what you want more out of life. Happy times, or to keep living in hell, not caring about our appearance. Always being ignored by family members.
I've been to rehab like 4 times, So I had the tools I learned when I went to rehab years ago, and was able to apply to the now. It isn't hard. The hardest thing is GETTING OFF THE DRUG. The rest comes easier. Trust me. It's easier staying sober than getting sober.
Well, I hope this helps at least one or a few ppl. You can msg me if you need info.
I've also become more spiritual. You don't necessarily have to believe in God or anything. That's not what I mean, but just have faith that we're all put here for a purpose and that there is a power greater than ourselves, making this whole thing called earth work.

Good Luck <3
Thanks, Beefy. For those of us in the early stages of recovery and who aren't sure how to move forward with the process, a post like this is a huge help.

And, congratulations!