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Recommendations for GOOD herbal substitutes for cannabis and where to get them?


Nov 4, 2006
Can anyone recommend a good LEGAL cannabis substitute for the state of Georgia? We have gotten in a bit of legal trouble and my husband is missing his beautiful Mary Jane. I, personally, don't care for it, but he's been thinking about trying K2. We've had a couple friends do it and I've gotten mixed reviews. I've looked it up a little online and I'm just not too sure about it still. It seems like in smaller quantities it gives a good high that's pretty reminiscent of marijuana, so long as you're not already prone to anxiety and don't smoke too much. Sounds easy enough, but I'm just not sure if it's "safe" since it's so new and we haven't been able to test long term effects, really. I'd like him to go all natural to be as healthy as can be as far as "drugs" go.

Do you think K2 would be a good alternative? Are there other natural herbs that can give almost the same kind of high feeling? I'd LOVE to hear that there's an herb out there =)
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I was going to until i remembered there is no sourcing here on BL.
Wait until you have 50 posts and PM someone.

k2 is good, and you can make it on your own with few simple directions.

It equals out to about a dollar per gram, instead of 10
I was going to until i remembered there is no sourcing here on BL.
Since you have 50 posts and PM someone.

k2 is good, and you can make it on your own with few simple directions.

It equals out to about a dollar per gram, instead of 10
What's IN K2, exactly? I'm not new to the drug world but I AM knew to this K2 thing and I'm especially hesitant about it because of all the mixed reviews. I'm really not out to get this for my husband and then it has some sort of lasting side effect for the rest of his life. Maybe if I knew exactly what it was it'd ease my mind.

But if there's a natural herb out there you can tell me about then you all would just make my day. =)