Re: Abusing animals via drug use


Dec 21, 1999
Re: Abusing animals via drug use

The "Giving gerbils X" thread made me post this....
Had a cat once, female. Was owned by stoners who admitted to getting this cat stoned. They were borderline homeless, so we took the cat home (with their permission).
This cat LOVED pot. If anyone lit up a joint, this cat would come flying into the room, run up and plant her front paws on your chest and start sniffing like crazy until you appeased her by blowing some smoke in her face. She'd walk around wobbly for awhile and curl up on the couch and go to sleep. You shoulda seen this cat take a bong hit.
So, was this abuse? I mean, the cat really, really liked getting high, hell if the cat was unable to get to pot she smelled (from say being in a closed room) she would wail until we let her get stoned

Sick little side story on this cat: When she was still young I was in the kitchen making dinner, heard a noise and looked over to see the cat's head and front paws on the counter (tried to jump up but didn't quite make it). Before I could do anything, she lost her grip and fell, hurting her hind legs in the process. The vet said she did a little damage to her "knees" and while she wasn't in any pain, she would walk funny unless we wanted to fork over $2,500 for surgery (uh, sorry, no). So from then on she would walk with her hind legs kind of sticking out weird and her butt would be about 1/2 an inch from the ground. (Didn't slow her down at all, especially when there was pot to be had) So when people came over for the first time and saw this cat, the inevitable question always came up: "Whats wrong with your cat's legs??" Our answer?
"She was raped by a pit bull"
The look on peoples faces was worth it

(And we always told them the truth afterwords)
P.S. Wouldn't catnip fall under the "abusing animals by giving them drugs"? They don't know (at least the first time) what the stuff is or whats going to happen!
I have 2 dogs who love getting stoned. Every time i light up, they sit next to me and look up as though I was eating a T-bone steak. How could you refuse a stare like that? Anyway, its not nice to have fun and not share, so I'll indulge them w/ a couple of hits.
They're always walking around with a mello 'smile' on their face afterwards.
I wouldn't give them any other drugs tho. I have a friend who told me that he saw a Rot Weiler eat a couch after eating some acid. I wouldnt wanna be next to that dog!!
That's an interesting story and a very good point but I honestly only meant that thread to be a joke. I know now I should have been more clear about it. Infact I don't think I shouldn't have posted it at all after reading some of the responses. Some people found the humour in visualising a gerbil rushing of his/her head on e holding a pair of miniture glow sticks with a whistle in his/her mouth. Others, unfortunately, found it very offensive. I even got threatened by some dick called entropope.
The bottem line is, I apologise for that thread, I was in a weird mood cause I just lost my job. I hope you can try to appreciate that. In the meatime, there will be no more stupid posts from me...
<~p-E-achy~> -=+PLUR+=-
No no no no no no... I thought the thread was funny as hell, I was referring more to the ALL CAPS RESPONSE ABOUT HOW GIVING DRUGS TO ANIMALS IS BLAH BLAH BLAH.
Mainly to state that *no* topic is ever so black and white as people like to think