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RC's - Stupid seller didnt label bags! advice pls!

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Mar 13, 2006
Hello guys n gals,

To cut a long story short - 3 baggies arrived this morning - one was labelled DMC (coke aletrnative which is shite and a waste of money)

The other 2 contain NRG1 & NRG2. I dont know which is which as neither is labellled. I tried contacting the vendor several times but with no luck.

I have been taking both in mixed amounts despite not knowing - foolish probably. and am well buzzin - they are actually pretty good chems in my opinion.

One powder is very white and crystally.

Other is slightly off white (slightly orangy) - and speckled.

Can anyone advise which is which - a swift response would be appreciated.

Seeing as the contents of NRG-1 and NRG-2 vary from place to place and are never consistently the same drug(s), they literally could be anything, there's nothing to differentiate them.

If you value your health stick to pure powders that aren't random branded products.
I dont regard my health as highly as i regard my need for a buzz unfortunatlely.

Having said that, i had managed to find a source for pure coke which is the sole recreational drug i have been using for a while previous to my forray into RC's. So this is not normal behaviour for me. My coke dealer has disappered is all.

Back to topic - The very white one has a harsh burn but the off white one is smooth - does that help.
We already were on topic :D

Guess I'll repeat my point...

There's nothing you can do to find out what you have besides sending it off to a lab. No one here can tell you what you have based on appearance and burn, seeing as the contents of NRG-1/2 vary depending on where you buy them from.

It doesn't really matter which one is which, because they're random powders that change constantly. Its not a drug, its a marketing ploy.
I dont regard my health as highly as i regard my need for a buzz unfortunatlely.

Having said that, i had managed to find a source for pure coke which is the sole recreational drug i have been using for a while previous to my forray into RC's. So this is not normal behaviour for me. My coke dealer has disappered is all.

Back to topic - The very white one has a harsh burn but the off white one is smooth - does that help.

If that is the case, then just do all three baggies at once! Have fun. 8)
I dont regard my health as highly as i regard my need for a buzz unfortunatlely.

Having said that, i had managed to find a source for pure coke which is the sole recreational drug i have been using for a while previous to my forray into RC's. So this is not normal behaviour for me. My coke dealer has disappered is all.

Back to topic - The very white one has a harsh burn but the off white one is smooth - does that help.

BULLSHIT you cant get pure coke. not unless youre in south america and know coca farmers or something.

80% max. manufacturers cut it to this level usually even before export for a variety of reasons - mainly consistency
Wow thats quite the situation. I would be beyond pissed. Atleast it wasnt somekind of psychedelic mix-up.

LSDMDMA&8530334 said:
BULLSHIT you cant get pure coke. not unless youre in south america and know coca farmers or something.

It is extremely unlikely to get pure cocaine on the street, but its not impossible. Especially if it came from a friend who runs purification processes.
Fortunately they all suck, so it really doesn't matter in what order you flush them down the toilet.
hmm well based on the facts you have given I would have to say that the 1st one is "Pumpernickel acetic Wallaby powder", and the 2nd is "PMS hiccup powder"...
Firstly, i can understand your jealousy regarding the coke. It took me 20 years of networking to find the connect. It's as pure as a person can buy, goin into arguments about exact percentages with someone you dont know, in the absense any kind of point of reference is not something i'd do. Its a real teenager style - " I know more about drugs than you. So there" type kind of gay attention/status seeking behavior.

Anyway, to sum up the white powder was very strong exctacy type buzz. Sort of like meph but you could still act normal on it with a bit of ghb ingested to take the edge off. The peak lasted about 4 hours and lingered. Had to have a couple of Valium to sleep.

The other powder seems similar but with shorter duration.

Overall, whatever they were they were quite decent.
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