Raver types and judgement...? Phuck dat!

i know your intentions are only good i just hate the generalizations made-alot are against me. all the young kids arent doing mad drugs-ive smoked weed three times and rolled three times-and i researched each throughly before doing them. there are kids out there like me-lots of them. i think youre all sweethearts and i love you all even though ive never talked to one of you-just seeing the passion you have for PLUR amazes me and its rubbed off on me-it makes me feel good-i just dont want all the generalizations made about certain groups because it insults a huge group of people and a good portion of them probably dont deserve it. PLUR knows no age so dont put that on the young kids-some of us arent that bad-just cuz we're young doesnt mean we cant appreciate PLUR-so dont say that. please. its not fair and its not right.
hey! we never said that PLUR wasn't for all ages... the beef that I have personaly expressed towards the young ravers is that SOME of them (and I was pretty specific) are getting FAR to into it... and doing far too many drugs.
Now, from the look of it, you are going about your raving, and rolling like a couple of very mature people.
When I was younger I was offended by the generalizations about young people too. But I think that you have to realize that these generalizations don't apply to you. Well, not so much anywyas.
I *DO* like all of the little ravers that I see. but I DON'T want to see them hurting themselves... or being directed at hurting themselves by other people. It has nothing to do with my not liking them, it has everything to do with my liking them TOO MUCH.
I realy didn't mean to insult anyone... because I think that most of the people that find their way onto the bluelight DO understand PLUR, and are looking to learn all they can about the drugs they are doing, and also looking to meet friends.
I welcome you to Bluelight... though I am relatively new to it myself.
and BE CAREFUL! you guys are still 14... you have alot more life to live. and I would hate to have you screw it up for a few hours of fun. Read the rest of this thread, and you will know what was intended.
be as mature as you two have demonstrated, and stay safe! everything in moderation.
your brains still have some developing to do (physicly) and we all want you to develop to your full potential.
party safe, and PLUR!!!
whoops... double post... *blushes* got a little trigger happy.
[This message has been edited by PaRaDoX (edited 05 January 2000).]
i loved readin this thread. you guys all had wicked interesting things to say...
as for me, i love all ravers...the type that i ahte are those that go to raves and act like bad asses. punks don;t belong there. they bring a bad vibe and take away from the scene. i have been places where i am afraid to talk or look at certain people. i hate that.
i love the music, the people, the dancing, and most of all i love that everyone there just wants to have a good time. when i talk to people who aren;t ravers and they ask whats so fun about it...i tell them that you can talk to anyone and they will always be happy to talk to you. you can meet so many cool, intelligent, kind, loving people at a rave. when people bring bad attitudes and go there to start shit, it pisses me off. around here there is something called BTS, i have never met them and i am not completely sure what its all about but from what i hear its a gang/group of people from NY and they go to raves, fit in as true ravers...then jump people, steal there money and drugs, and leave. that type of shit is rediculous. people need to enjoy the rave scene for what it is and what it stands for. i think i am getting a little long winded in my post so i will stop now. my point was just that i love ravers, and love raves. but i dislike the negative attitude brought in by "punks"
ok,ok, I am not here to judge anyone on their age, but to be so young and to loose so much innocence... I always beleived there should be a natural progression to drug use. And I do believe that I am very lucky to have been so damn old when I first rolled. I actually stopped using all the other hardcore drugs when i started taking e (exception would be ketamine). I appreciate it more. But to each his/her own.
Having been to a Goa Trance party, I have partied with ravers aged 14-40, And yes I've seen a couple in straight legged pants. I can honestly say when I am at a party, if your giving off a good/happy vibe, you've made a friend. No matter what "type" of raver you are.
I just randomly love you.
Just to add in here:
I don't think the real issue is in whether or not there should be age restrictions on raves. PLUR belongs to the people, you, me and everybody. We are all the Rock's people and we should love eachother.
The real problem lies (and I would argue this with any of the younger bluelighters although I don't like to argue) in the fact that ecstasy and many other hardcore drugs can do devastating damage physically to the body, but MUCH more importantly they can do critical damage emotionally to a person. I think personally that 14 or 15 years of age is too young for these typs of drugs cause to say it the least they really really will fuck with your head. Especially when you are only developing as an adult and becomeing conscience of the responsibilities you have to yourself and your body. I truly believe that early MDMA use (age 14 or 15) will result in eternal changes to a person cause they haven't allowed themselves to fully develop themselves.
I am only 20, but I like to think I have seen some of the craziest shit you could ever imagine. I have seen two people overdose already, and a third come to neardeath only to be revived by my friend who dealt the coke to the guy who nearly died. I have seen gang fights over drug territory many times before, and I have even seen some really close friends fall victim to heavy addictions to crack. I mena this shit is FUCKED up to say the least. I am soo glad I only started rolling when I felt I was truly ready to handle the emotional changes that the drug endures. I have tried quite a bit of stuff and to say the least, if it was hard I only tried it after i was 18 cause I was confident that I had entire control over my body.
Its funny, cause now I have to exercise the discipline to be an occasional roller. When I go hard at a rave, I have to kill myself to keep me from rolling again the next night and the next after that.
Some people dont roll very often cause they dont have good hookups with E, but for me it is rigth in my face every day of the week. I know I wont be rolling for the rest of my life, but at the same time I would like to save some brain cells for the future.
The Doctor
If it seems as if I can roll harder than others, it is only because I have rolled on the shoulders of giants
To Jennykinz and Candy Xraver::::::
Hey whats up guys? I have to agree w/ you Jenny, I hate how everybody is all nitpicky about this type of raver and that.
Its total bullshit! And no one is trying to single the young kids out of the rave scene Candy xraver, I just cant see why kidz are using MIND ALTERING drugz at a ridiculously young age. Now, I am not sayin that young kidz dont belong at raves or shouldnt be there, I welcome everyone at raves. What I do feel is, that younger people at raves should NOT be doing the drugs. You guys will have plenty of time in the future to do drugz and all of that shit. I know you guys arent abusing it er anything like that but, one thing leads to another and b4 you know it your in shit, knee deep. I am so glad I didn't start raving till later in life (19 yrs old) cuz I know if I started way back when I was 15, #1 I wouldn't enjoy it as much as I do now, #2 My brain and body would be fried by now. But, please, respect your mind and body. Thats the only one you got. You kidz seem very level-headed and IN-TUNE w/ everything thats important, and thats definitely commendable at your age (man, evolution is starting to move faster than a speeding bullet). But, I still don't agree w/ you guys doin drugz, no matter what you say. But, I know people r gonna do what they want and thats that, but it really makes me sad to know there are 12-15 yr olds out there fuckin their minds up, YES, you r fukn ur minds up, i dont care what kind of rationale you have for me.....but no matter what.....
.......and keep your wonderful attitudes, I love your guys' attitudes, they're fukn awesome.....I would love to rave with you guys, even tho yer only a youngin.....lol.....
i am kidding

see ashke? this is why I love your posts

they bring out the best in us all =)
reading through this post caused me to think about my history.. I started a bit too young, probably.. I started smoking pot at 13, and didnt do anything else til I turned 15, and I tripped a coupla times.. after I turned 16, I did acid entirely too much, shroomed a few times, and eventually (and only 2 times, never again) tried coke. I didnt even think about trying out e until this past summer, when it was offered to me for free, by my best friend.. him and I candyflipped, and after that night, I've begun to regulate myself as I never have before.. I still smoke pot frequently, but I rarely trip anymore, and after new years, dont know that I will again. After I went to my first rave, which was August 21'st of this year, my life started to change.. this was at 17, and I'm now about a month from turning 18. I think that if I had found the rave culture, or e, any sooner, I would have easily and quickly lost grip on my control of what I do.. but now, after 5 raves, reading any/all information I can on e, and of course finding this wonderful board, I feel that I'm more in control of what I do. When I was 16, I tripped easily 2 times a month.. that lasted for a good 5 or 6 months.. I never even began to think how bad it was for myself.. as Dr E said, I felt I was invulnerable.. but now, I'm starting to see some of the permanent changes I've made to myself.. Although, I dont in any way regret them, as they are my choices, and I stick by them, cuz I felt they were right at the time, I know I've done some fucked up things to my body.. fortunately, of my friends, I was the guy who always said moderation.. I've never done more than 3 hits of acid at once, never more than 2 pills, and I'm the one who always keeps my little posse in check.. This is one thing I'm glad of..
anyway, I've rambled for quite a while now, and this thread has strayed fairly far from the original topic
but, referring to the classifications, I'd have to say I'm a cross between a candy raver (I felt the moment I stepped into my first rave, I became one.. it just seemed so natural (cliche, I know
), and still somewhat of a newbie, as I've only been into the rave scene for the last 4 or 5 months..
also, to jennykins and candy xtacy, if you choose to do drugs recreationally, keep at your pace.. you have plenty of time, and theres much better/more important things you can be doing.. dont let yourself slip.. if all people your age could adhere to that, a large portion of this thread wouldnt exist =)
ok, I've rambled for far too long now =)
I dunno, You Bluelighters are so deep sometimes...It may say Bluelighter by my name but I don't really deserve that title cuz well I dunno, It may be that I'm basically still just a newbie (@ partying) but U guys pretty much helped me with a lot of questions about XTC and educated me pretty much w/ all of your super smart posts...so thanks 4 everything.
Whew! I thought I was the only person around here who had heard of them.
At least, the only person that posted about it.
Now, for a Jerry Springer-esque "final thought" on this thread:
It's a sad fact--people categorize other people. If it's not by "raver-type,
it's by sex, or race, or religion, or peers. Categorization seems to be
a fundamental part of the human condition. This doesn't mean that it's
good or bad, or that the differences even exist, but it's part of being
human. Put 100 WASP's with similar religious, educational, and
socioeconomic backgrounds in a room, and a day later they'll
find a dozen little slots for all to fit in.
I'm not so pessimistic that I'll say that it's impossible to not do this--
for I think there are a *few* people who can--but for all intents and
purposes, it's unavoidable. Compromise is the only good solution.
Damn, this thread has gotten deep. And there's an awesome vibe to it too. Love ya, Ashke
. Da best.
I was just gonna read the thread and absorb the vibes, but Jennykinz and Candyxtacy kinda got me thinking a few things I wanted to share.
I think the most important is just a little mention Ashke made in one of her replies. Easily overlooked, but something to think hard about:
I've said it before, but it seems baffling to me that mistakes made at 14-15 should be allowed to haunt the rest of someone's life. It isn't fair at all.
Baffling, but true. I've known people whose lives have been fucked up for good because of stupid mistakes made at an age when they didn't know any better. Fortunately, I've known more people who've made mistakes, but learned their lessons and turned their lives around before it went too far. But even those people are still haunted by what's happened. It never goes away.
Now I have a big ol' rant ALL about that too, and about how kids aren't allowed the information to make informed decisions, but I'm not gonna ruin the vibe
. It goes in an email or in my notebook. As it is now, though, it's something for the young ones (hell, ANYone just starting) to think about, especially if they find themselves slipping too far into the bad side of the "scene."
For now, I gush
. Jenny and CandyX, you two rawk. Totally two I'd love to meet at a rave, cuz I'd be all glowy and happy, and especially proud cuz it sure seems like you know what you're doing. And what you don't know, you're making an attempt to learn. That's why Bluelight's here
I don't think there should be an age limit on raves. I think the only requirement is an understanding (or at least the capability of understanding) of what raving is about. It's not a thing to go to to just get phukt up to phat beats and whatever. It's music, it's friendship, it's... well, you know what it all is. (Hell, everyone probably would give a different definition of what it is, but they all combine into this really beautiful thing that I'm SO not going to go on about cuz, well... um... on with the show.) The chemical stimulation is just a nice little bonus sometimes - though one that comes with quite a few responsibilities. Raves also are dangerous tho, and no one will dispute that. Drugs, crime, those certain unsavory types... They kinda go along with the scene as well. So while I don't think there should be an age limit, I DO think that the younger they are, the more EVERYone should be careful. They should be watched out for, and it should be made sure they know what's going on. I don't think they'd need to be stoners in order to learn moderation if someone just took 'em under their wing and taught 'em. Took 'em under their wing and made SURE that they were mature enough to handle it and to know what they were getting into. Being a stoner in the early "pre-raving" years might just be a good way to ease into it, yes
. But not necessarily a requirement.
I dunno. I really don't know how many 15 year-olds can truly grasp the concept of PLUR and who know themselves well enough to be able to handle the responsibility of drugs. I sure as hell wasn't in a position to know when *I* was 15. But I do know that there are some out there who can understand these things, and who can make that adult decision to do what they will with their bodies, with full comprehension of the risks. Maybe some more of them are browsing Bluelight right now, learning. But I think these probably are more the exceptions than the rule. Though there are always exceptions. Which is why I hate making generalized statements, especially in regards to age.
I dunno. I'm rambling
. I'd tell you what my point is, but I don't think I have one. Just this amorphous concept of age and raving and watching out for your fellow ravers (flavor of the month, true, young, old, or categorized into whatever niche they may be), cuz we all got a responsibility to everyone else as well as to ourselves, especially if someone's new. I don't want to see another kid carried out strapped to the stretcher, screeching and trying to claw his way free cuz he swallowed whatever was at hand to make a nice little drug cocktail and no one taught him how to be smart about what he was doing. There's a lot of good and a lot of bad in what we do. And a whole lot more good if you know just what the bad exactly is.
And I'm rambling again. Hee.
So I'll just throw my welcome to Jennykinz and Candy Xtacy
. Welcome! C'mon in, the raving's fine
. And give props up there to Justin for keepin' his posse in check. You go, boy. Exactly what I'm talking about here.
Loupy - PLUR puppy. Out there.
Oh, one more thing: BTS is a krew in/around New York that basically, yeah, screws shit up. Takes advantage of the PLUR for their own gain. If yer in an area where they're operating, it's sad, but... you just gotta look over your shoulder and be extra careful. They'll do stuff like stage mock fights while their pickpockets work the crowd or just flat out beat you up for your cash/drugs. I dunno. Again with what raves are about. Party kids shouldn't have to be looking over their shoulder for bad guys. I *like* being able to say 'where else can you get 3000 people crammed into a crowded space for 10 hours and NOT have a single brawl?'
[This message has been edited by loupy (edited 07 January 2000).]
Well well well....what an interesting post! I really like and respect the views and opinions going on here.
Jenny, you really come off as a mature person for being only 14. Mad props to you girl for researching your shit.
Now for my boring bio:
I went to my first party at 19 and have been going about every other week since. I don't roll all the time, and that is the only drug I do. Yeah, I've done cid and shit like that, but it's just not appealing to me anymore. And the sad thing is that if I would have researched any of the drugs I've done, I prolly wouldn't have done them. I think it's really important to know what kind of shit you get into before you do it.
Sometimes it still scares me to do E. But you gotta be on your "Ps and Qs." It really breaks my heart to see the 14-16 year olds at parties and they don't even know their own name. They just know that it's cool to be seen there and even cooler to be on drugs.
My impression is that everyone on this board is pretty educated and knows what they are doing. I just wish people wouldn't get so crazy with the drugs that they do.
As for the people who don't do the drugs (or even if they do) it's harsh when judgement is passed upon oneself. I still feel like I have the "eye" on me, even when I'm sober. I love this scene to death and I'll stand with it through good and bad, judgements or praises, busts or successes.
I don't know how much sense this post has made since I haven't read it over, but I hope everyone understands that people go to parties for different reasons. Some wrong, some right, but as long as people practice PLUR (or understand it at least) we can still be the raver commUNITY.
Damn, wish I could write like this on my college essays!
Love always,
Adrienne (The_One)
On the age topic: I find it ironic as I sit here reading through this thread that most folks seem to think the appropriate age to be having the full-on rave experience is 18-25. Ironic because at 19 I know so many people who have already burnt out on the "scene", or more accurately, the drug use. So I went to my first rave last summer feeling very odd at first, that I was 18 and it was only my first time. I certainly felt unique, never having rolled or done acid in highscool. But being unique never bothered me. It's just great to read this thread and see how many people approve of my approach to drugs, and did similairly. It's really made me think though. How would I have handled e a year ago, two years ago? It's almost impossible to say. But I do know that the first time I rolled, even though it was my first time, and I was 18, I was a little disturbed by the 14 year old I met who was also rolling for the first time on three beans and a hit of liquid a. I'm probably always going to be disturbed when I see that happening. But it's just as disturbing to see someone who's in their 20s and on too many drugs. Jennykinz, you have no reason to be upset. Like everyone else has said, your approach is much smarter than any of the people I knew in highschool going raving. All these concerned folks just wish everyone had a similarly intelligent outlook.
We as a society feel it necessary to put everyone into groups which is very unfortunate. I am guilty of it as we all are. If there were some way for us all to look past everything and just see a person for who they are. I believe PLUR is a start and I respect PLUR very much.
Hopefully someday we can all look past every barrier that man has made and respect and love every person for what they are and what they think. Even the little guy over in the corner who dropped 20+ hits of acid and has no idea what the fuck is going on.

PeaceLoveUnityRespect for EveryONE!