• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

/r/drrugstashes got banned couple years ago. i'm now rebuilding it


/r/Drugs Mod
Aug 26, 2018
Thought I'd share with you guy I'm rebuilding the /r/DrugStashes forum. It will probably be a static affair, but still worth having imho. As soon as I can show you an alpha or beta version of it I'll update

For now I've deleted 1200 images that break rules of /r/drugstaches. Still 7000+ left

Here is my best of list for now:
It's gonna be a museum of what /r/Drugstashes was. I'll be off course removing spam and images with hands etc in them. After a first pass I've got 7.305 images just under 6 GB. Might scrape some images from Imgur too. Will have to see.

It's definitely going to be curated, but that's because plenty images are just not that interesting. But for the ones that are I'll try to also find the relevant meta data and list of compounds.
Yea I’m noticing Reddit kinda cleaning house on the drug forums, hopefully that pushes folks over here.. Very interesting project though that id love to see once finished!

Ive always wanted to get a pic of mine but scared I’d put it up with identifying info or something. I don’t have quantity but I do have quite a plethora of unique substances.

many drug subreddits do get tons of spam from fake vendors. So if a sub isn't moderated much then it gets banned quickly. I'm not in the 'Reddit Mod Council' and hope to push back on some stuff reddit has been doing. Already posted a pretty detailed description of what /r/drugs contributes You can read it here if you're interested: The council subreddit is a private group so unfortunately cant directly link to the post.

And while I'm 'bragging' anyway. I'm the person that prevented drug related subreddits to get a 'Violence & Gore' content tag. Man the people at reddit are ignorant/naive/whatever you want to call it.