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Question from a noob


Sep 24, 2010
So I used ecstasy for the first time the other night, one 250 mg pill. And I have never tripped so hard in my life. I've used LSD and some mushrooms that made it very difficult to navigate reality but this was another league.

My reality completely dissolved into a whirlwind of colors and everything in the real world became an unrecognizable blur of color. My reality became a Jackson Pollock painting. And I could not navigate the whirlwinds of colors so I was literally floored. I had to sit down where I was and ride it out. That period of time is basically lost to me except for the memory of vibrant shifting colors.

Is it unusual to roll that hard with 250 mg of MDMA?
My first time was 110mg and it was awsome. my 3rd trip was 150mg and I had hard time finding my way out of building.
250... Whoa.
I feel like I missed out on some great stuff when I lost time. But physically/mentally I feel fine now. I had some post trip depression for a few days though. I took a prozac immediately after and I supplemented with 5HTP and L-Dopa for several days after as well.
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Is it unusual to roll that hard with 250 mg of MDMA?

No. 250 mg is a huge dose of MDMA. Wait six months to let your body recover from it fully, then try 125 mg.
Damn, man if the Dutch made cars I'd buy one because their MDMA is ridiculous. I have never hallucinated so hard that reality became so unrecognizable I couldn't engage with it.. It felt like being transported into a giant kaleidoscope, except someone rigged a drill motor to spin the kaleidoscope.

But yeah dial it down a notch I get it. If you go full afterburners then your fuel gauge is going to move to the left.

Next time I'm going to go with half as much and I'm going to have all the anitoxidants recommended here http://matznerd.com/how-to-safely-take-mdma/. Bunch of vitamins can't hurt. I'll take a little deprenyl for the MAO-B inhibition during and Prozac for the comedown..

I used high doses of 5-HTP and L-Dopa for several days post roll which I think was helpful. I wonder if using a clinically relevant antidepressant dose of ketamine as you come down from mdma would counteract the depression that seems part of MDMA recovery. Administer .5 mg/kg ketamine immediately post roll or thereabouts. Hmmmm, I'lll have to look into whether ketamine increases sympathetic tone to make it a probllem for interaction with mdma. Although, the mdma should be in my bladder by this point.
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