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Misc Question: Adderall & weed


Oct 7, 2022
Someone who's abusing Adderall and then starts smoking weed...

I guess this combination isn't uncommon.
But what would the effects be?
Could this combination lead to impulsive behavior in someone who normally isn't?
Like stealing a bag from a stranger just because that person reminded him of someone he disliked?

What else (besides trauma/mental I'll ess) could make someone suddenly do such a thing?
That can be quite stressful, my dude. Definitely can create some paranoia, each on their own, without combining them. If you're prone at all to psychosis, that's like one of the worst combinations to take. Could lead to all kinds of negative shit. If you're breaking the law and hurting people that's not good.

How much do you use?

At least it's not meth, lol
It's not me. It a friend's kid who stole a bag for mentioned reason. She's 14 and has a prescription for Adderall, and now her dad thinks she might be abusing and on top taking other stuff. Her mom (with whom she lives) says it was just a one time thing and nothing to worry about.