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Question about pills in system.?


Sep 27, 2010
I understand that lortabs and opana take 3-4 days to get out of your system via a urine test, right? But what if was was supposed to be taking them daily for a month straight? Would they still be out of my system in 4 days? Or would it take longer? I ask because I go to pain doc on the 20th and am already out of pills..thinking of rescheduling for a couple of days after, that way when I piss clean then it will be kool cause I will have been out of them a few days..yes? no? HELP!
no drug testing questions...but your gonna need to buy some lortabs and opana to take the day before your test...no bullshit
No drug testin questions. But what are you worried about anyway. your post just confuses me
No drug testin questions. But what are you worried about anyway. your post just confuses me

If he pees clean they'll assume he's either abusing his meds or selling them. And it's unlikely they'd be testing him unless he has a history of one or the other.