q about raves


Jan 8, 2000
what can u guys tell me about them? from what ive heard theyre really cool, and i wanna go to one, but im only 14... do i need a real good fake id, or should i just not try... i got a few friends who get into clubs with them... but i dunno.. any help?
j'aime rouler.... E2K
you don't need an id to get into most raves...all ages are welcome cause there's usually no bar. but don't start doing drugs at 14, just go to the raves and have fun till you're at least 18 before you start taking ecstasy. mmmm...k? be a good boy and don't fuck up your brain before it even has a chance to develop.
nah, just become a pothead or something, the clothing is cheaper, the drugs are cheaper, all the good music can usually be found at used CD stores. Start raving when you have a job that pays good. Parties can cost up to around $25 to get in, drugs can run you anywhere from $20 to the sky's the limit for the night, you have to have transportation, blah blah blah. Being a stoner is so much easier, thats how I learned to be a raver.
Peace Love Unity Respect
Raves are really fun! I do agree that you should go to them and see what they are like first before you start doing beans. Dont start doing them intil you are a little older.
Have fun and be safe!
