Psychic Experiences


Dec 12, 1999
Has anyone else out there ever had a psychic experience while rolling? I know ya'll are gonna think I'm full of shit, but last Saturday night my friend and are were both rolling on two red (or pink?) all stars. (Good pill, btw.)
Anyway, on three different occasions, I would say something out of nowhere that he was thinking. The biggest example of this was when he was seeing the trailer for the movie "SuperNova" in his head ... and just as the title for the movie came up, I yelled out "SuperNova!!!"
I didn't realize realize what was going on until the next day when we talked about it and shit. Anyway, it was a very cool night -- and I was wondering if anyone else ever had anything like this happen to them. (I hope it happens again.)

I'm psychic whenever anything bad is going to happen. I'm more in tune with my psychy when I'm rolling.
Everytime I've been in a car wreck (16)....I had daydreams/ visions of accidents weeks in advance. I knew a head of time that my car would be broken into, all my X-mas gifts stolen. I knew I would be arrested on the way back from Paoli Peaks.
Its really weird, too. I don't follow my intuition more often. I somehow doubt that things are going to happen the way I think they will, but my thoughts usually come true. Its such a strange feeling to think to yourself 'Damn it! I knew this would happen!'
"Look at the world with open eyes and you will see the world. Look at the world through my eyes and you can only imagine."
X-RaverQueen :)