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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Psilocin/30mg - Experienced - Lessons in Symbolism, Ego, and, Boundries, Existance.


Bluelight Crew
Aug 22, 2000
This is less a 'trip report' from my end, but more a writing exercise for myself that I will eventually finish as a trip report. I have encouraged my friend to write up his end and I am not sure he ever will...so this is what exists for the time being. I will edit and add to it so if you like the story, check it out again in a week as I imagine it will change. And thank you my other friend for not minding me taking the PM I wrote you for the base of this story...I am glad you understand. Names and places have been changed to protect the private.

My old friend W (early trip partner, then we stopped seeing each other often when I moved, since I've been back here only seen him about 6 times, brilliant musician and married with a kid) had his place to himself as his wife and kid were in Indonesia. We did psilocin and from the start I should have recognized that he thought it would be like it was before (we just take the shit and hope for the best, that we would 'philosophize' and whatever preconceived notions he had because he doesn't know me post iboga.) I was in 'full ritual mode' which I do for 'special sessions' and blessed each room with a candle, walked to his son's room and prayed (or sent vibes, choose your flavor) to him, asked him to do the same. Then we took it and listened to this Indonesian music and (later after the trip) said I became a reptile...which was symbolic for me as I love turtles but he said I was a lizard which is also significant but I'll tell that one later.

Anyway suddenly a storm came, the tornado alarm went off, grabbed the PC to see the radar and it was in our area so I asked him to grab his cats and go in his basement, all hell broke lose. He just lost his shit, kept grabbing his cats (they were with me, he was out of it), he would not stay in the basement. I kept saying, 'Man we are just gonna hang in the basement for 10 minutes, its worth our time." I said, 'Do what I do" and sat at peace against the wall depersonalizing and breathing in rhythm. And he thought I was playing mind games with him. I would be at peace with the tornado and God and meditated and he was asking me why I was closing my eyes, why did I say this, that, I kept telling him to play his guitar, make us some music, he would for a minute then stop, got sweaty and couldn't breathe, then ran upstairs (at this point he later admitted when we talked about what happened that God told him how his body is a temple and he realized the error of his way with his eating habits, and how not eating with his wife and kid are causing marriage problems since she makes food and he goes out to McDonalds and eats alone).

He came back down at my insistence (actually we played a symbolic game where he was acting child-like and said 'no one understands' and would not come in the basement for everyone's safety. I was having to reason with him to come down and trip in the awesome basement with the nice couch, we will be ok, etc....finally he came in when I gave up and went down myself. Then kept asking me what I took from him. And said 'They took it away.' Later he said he God took his music away because he lost faith, then he was Elisha (his son) and was taken away in the tornado (like the Elisha of the Bible). The CONSTANT symbolism in this trip was astounding. Finally when it seemed to pass (the actual tornado) we went upstairs.

I grabbed a turtle lamp from his kids room that projected the stars on the ceiling and he started playing guitar and we talked about what happened. The stars and constellations were out, we were tripping, and it was so beautiful but suddenly I saw more symbolism...I was his son, my dad (W) was playing guitar with me. W has esteem issues with his playing (he is classically trained and brilliant so his esteem issues are pretty crazy) but that night he played like a concert all ad-libbed...I told him I was Elisha he was my dad and the lessons MGS and you learned are being spoken to me in your playing. Told him you can teach your son more this way than most other parents do with a TV. He agreed and it was beautiful.

I was pretty impressed with my visionary power that night, I really was. The next day we had some SERIOUS ego problems, I was just doing what I do (I am always on, you know what I mean you know....smart, a purpose in everything I say...never talk small talk or BS) and he just stuck his ego into everything I said and accused me of doing just that (I wasn't). Oh part of my thing is I ask for trip reports, the next day he refused saying it was too personal, and I was pretty frustrated at that point and said something I shouldn't have...I said "make your report like a review about a trip to Disney Land. I want to hear about the roller coaster ride and how the tuns and the loop was...not how you fucked your wife that night at the hotel."

Now I have heard him use that word before but knowing there were having intimacy problems it was a POOR choice of words, he lost his shit and stopped talking to me. Then he left for Asia...but thankfully wrote me to say he was sorry and I'm relieved. I know he went through some SERIOUS personal issues on that trip, I left a lot out, so I know it broke him down and I really should have been better prepared for that.

To be concluded soon.....
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sounds like your friend had a rough trip and you were pretty bogus to him the next day. You also sound a bit egotistical about your "Visonary powers" and how your always smart and have a purpose in what you say, whatever that means.
I can imagine I left that impression for you so let's clear it up for everyone's benefit. From the beginning he did not consider any of it 'bogus' and used the language 'most important experience of my life, ever' to describe his trip with me. How I 'was to him' is beyond the scope of this report but I assure you I was nothing but loving, empathetic, and my only desire was to help him make sense of his experience. That is part of being a visionary.

So however you perceive it, I assure you nothing was bogus in my actions nor his reactions. And sure, I have a bit of an ego but I know it and I can accept it with humor and work with it so it's productive for me. Whether or not I am 'smart' or 'purposeful' in my intentions and words is subjective I suppose but I only say that based on the responses of others. Anyway, no matter what the trip was not bogus to my friend and he wrote me a letter when he left for Asia to reconcile with me. And for the record, I never expected that or needed him to write me as he did, I just wanted us to reconnect. And that the reconnection occurred by him getting the 'ego' business out of the way is all the better.

sounds like your friend had a rough trip and you were pretty bogus to him the next day. You also sound a bit egotistical about your "Visonary powers" and how your always smart and have a purpose in what you say, whatever that means.
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I thought the emphasis on symbolism to be pretty fascinating, because when I think back on most of my trips, I remember a feeling totally devoid of symbolism or symbolic meaning.

What I mean is...when I am looking at, say, the walls of my house on an acid/shrooms trip, I feel I am pretty much just seeing a mental/sensory projection of matter in a state of flux before my eyes - shifting, swirling, waving, color and form sort of "tearing into itself." But I generally don't derive any meaning from such things - yes I find it all beautiful and engrossing - but no symbolic associations to any of it.

I find your approach interesting because it seems that through ritual, introspection, cooperation and "guided" imagery - you find some kind of symbolic or even eternal meaning. Ritual especially though, which keeps popping up in your trip in various modes of music, prayer/vibes, meditation etc.

My approach is pretty much the complete opposite. I tend to just "let it ride" and kind of enjoy the sights and sounds. And I never intellectualize any of it because I think sensory information is more interesting than mental ideas. try to shut my mind off completely, actually.

I think each of our approaches may be equally meaningful!
You know I really let it ride myself. The whole candle business is really to make the other guy feel better...ok that's a bit far...the candle business always seems to make for magic trips so I keep doing it but I don't do it when I trip alone if you catch my drift!

This trip with my friend was the first trip in over 10 years with a guy I had all of my early LSD experiences with. All the really freaky ones that broke us us both down. They were sometimes shared experiences (mutual hallucinations) and if not and one were wigging out, the other would be there for them in a very supportive way...that sort of thing. We both cut our psychedelic teeth together on some SERIOUS high doses when we were essentially children. And it was the first trip with any of my friends from childhood since I took ibogaine (which rewrote everything in the MGS data banks) so I was going with the flow too. The ability to call out the symbolism honestly seemed to come from out of no where and honestly it never stopped (I've long since come down too)! It's pretty incredible to feel that and have others agree they see it that way too.
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More than anything, I can relate to sharing a psychedelic experience with an old but distant friend. Until one is able to let go of the past, and remember that whatever the past is, it's only now that applies, it is bound to be an experience loaded with conflict.
I don't know what went off for your friend or how often he trips now or what, but I couldn't have given you a trip report the next day after my bad Psilohuasca trip; I think it was recently my GF said 'you never really told me what happened' - it's sounds like he got something out of it and thankfully things it looks like things are fine so maybe that was a different kettle of fish but a lot can change in 10 years I guess
Heh we posted at the same time my good friend. He hasn't tripped since the last time with me in 2004...he was with me on 20mg 2C-E (which was/always will be one of the "THE" trips of a lifetime for both of us. He came to visit me in CO, and I took him up to the foothills and we were deconstructed. That was the last time he tripped.

Oh and yes a lot can change...it did on both ends but especially in this regard on his as he now has a wife and beautiful kid.

I don't know what went off for your friend or how often he trips now or what, but I couldn't have given you a trip report the next day after my bad Psilohuasca trip; I think it was recently my GF said 'you never really told me what happened' - it's sounds like he got something out of it and thankfully things it looks like things are fine so maybe that was a different kettle of fish but a lot can change in 10 years I guess
Bump to update: My friend has been back in town for a couple months, we do hang out still, will always be best of friends. We have since talked the whole trip out and it was a serious trip for both of us (obviously) and we both agree that it all happened the way it was meant to be! :) Gonna see my friend tonight in fact.
Bump cause I love this story, and getting a kick of what a crazy high horse of a manic ego trip I was on for several months post iboga. It was good for me, I needed to feel *that* good about myself after a 10 year battle with opiates, and breaking up a 7 year relationship that was really good for me....at which point i considered myself 'undatable.'