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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(Propylhexedrine/500mg) "Therapeutic" Benzedrex Use


Nov 9, 2013
While researching substitutes for my (prescribed) Adderall, for when I can't afford my doctor's outrageous fees, I came across several articles about extracting Benzedrex inhalers. I thought "wtf, why not?"

Attempts 1-3 were hit-and-miss - no more than 250mg at a time, all soaked in either vinegar or lemon juice, for no less than 30 mins, and consumed quickly. Definite physical effects - elevated heart rate/BP, tingles galore, and almost passing out if stood up too quickly - but not quite the effects desired (motivation, focus, etc). After the third attempt failed, I was like nah, brah, nah, and gave up.

Last week, I got the idea to make up a large batch and spread it out - MUCH better results.

Thursday morning: cut up two 250mg Benzedrex cottons and put into a 1 liter water bottle. Added 2oz lemon juice and filled the rest of the bottle with water. Shook bottle vigorously every so often, let it soak for a few hours, and then took sips from it over a three-to-four hour period. Replenished bottle with a few ounces of water and dashes of lemon juice at the end of the day. LEAVE COTTON IN BOTTLE.
Friday-Weds: repeated process - sips/swallows throughout early afternoon, adding small amounts of water to solution, refrigerate when not in use.

T+0:00 - 2-3 small mouthfuls ingested
T+0:35 - slight elevation in heart rate and a subtle head rush. I feel my mind start slowing down (Adderall does this as well), but I'm by no means focused. Huge desire to smoke more cigarettes and no desire to stop screwing around on internet.
T+0:45 - head rush more pronounced when standing up, slight tingling in muscles and face. My body feels like it wants to get up and do SOMETHING, but my mind can't figure out what, exactly
T+1:15 - my body and mind feel restless, and I grab a task out of my ass to complete, because I still can't make up my mind what I should do. Since I have some extra days off from work, catching up on housework has been a priority, and even though I feel I have to force myself to just do it, I don't mind as much (I fucking hate cleaning) yet there's no euphoria to speak of.

T+2:00 - take another mouthful of benzedrex solution
T+2:30 - restlessness intensifies and is only quelled by getting up and continuing to work.
T+3:00 - find myself pacing around my house, looking at the work I've completed and trying to figure out what to do next. I'm slightly agitated that I can't focus on one thing in particular - I'm hopscotching between cleaning one area and another - but I definitely feel a physical urge to continue my tasks.

T+4:15 - last two small mouthfuls of the day, then sit and screw around for a few. There's been no big dip in energy/effects, btw. I just keep sipping to prolong the effects.
T+5:00 - I feel a burst of urgency to get as much done as possible. I find that if I sit for a smoke break, I want to put it out after a few puffs and get back up. My focus/concentration is for shit, but, at least I'm being productive.
T+7:30 - first dip in energy noted. I'm slowly starting to not give a shit about this cleaning bullshit, and I'm okay with this. I'm satisfied with what I've accomplished.
T+8:00 - comedown in full effect. Wouldn't call it a 'crash', as it's not unpleasant or harsh - I just feel sleepy, my eyelids feel heavy, and my body feels pretty fatigued. I've been able to get to sleep at a decent hour all this week, with no trouble sleeping. No more than usual, anyway.

As it's now the following Thursday, this batch has lasted me an entire week, and I'll be drinking the rest of it today, I believe.

The effects, aside from slowing my mind down, are in NO WAY like Adderall - I'm still scatterbrained, unfocused, and annoyingly forgetful. If you have ADD/ADHD, I would not recommend this to help your mind simmer down and focus/concentrate.
However, if you need to get shit done, it does a pretty decent job in motivating your body to get up and get at it.
Strange little drug.

I'm not a smart (wo)man, and have tried to figure out how many mgs of propylhexedrine I'm ingesting per 'dose' - I know it's prescribed at 25mg, so, I'm thinking (hoping) what I'm ingesting isn't too terribly harmful - I'm also hoping that adding water to the same cottons has been diluting the propyl, therefore diminishing the strength little by little.

As today is the last of it, I suppose I won't know till tomorrow how I feel...hope it's nothing terribly negative; I've been on Adderall for just about 5 months, and all I feel when I stop taking it is I'm really sleepy and more scatterbrained than usual for the first week or so, then I'm just scatterbrained/forgetful. Hopefully that's all I'll feel, if any different at all.