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Problems with the booze


Jul 5, 2010
Ayy so this is ma first thread, dunno if this is the right place for this thread so sorry mods if it aint.

Anywho i was curious, im 19 turning 20 and im a pretty heavy binge drinker. Been binge drinking for 4 years now, the last 2 i would drink anywhere from 3-5 a week, and when i did usually around 22+ ounces of spirits or 17+ beers. Im about 185 pounds, male, never had any serious health issues until now.

For the past few months i have noticed my body seems a bit fucked, get weird tremors in my hands, my muscles twitch (i think they are called faciculations) and i get cramps in what feels like my kidneys and liver. I even get what feels like skin crawls, didn't know if thats even a side effect of drinking. I dunno if that is even possible but they are happenin.

I was just wondering if anyone has experianced symptoms like this? Or if it seems odd that i am getting them so young. In the best interest of my health im taking a break from drinking now. However i would like to be able to have some drinks later on in life and not have these problems like the tremors or cramps return. Also i dont do other drugs not even pot, used to smoke every day but quit like 6 months ago, quit coke after doin it like 3 times and quit MDMA after takin some bad e and getting a bad experiance like a year ago

Anyways thanks yall
It's probably alcohol widthdrawls, and if it keeps up, PAWS. Or just rebound anxiety, don't worry it'll pass with time. try your best not to overthink anything and then fall asleep, that route of anxiety can get real bad.
What exactly is PAWS?
I have no problems sleepin have always slept like a baby.
And i think it is tied to anxiety, i have slight anxiety issues from the drinking. But i was just wondering if it could be permanant even at such a young age? Also i might have an essential tremor cause im always sorta shaky.
this actually sounds very similar to what was bothering me for a long time. I thought I had a tremor, thought something was permentantly wrong. I blame it on mephedrone and stimulants though. The tremor went away and I'm not shaky anymore UNLESS I start to think I am shakey. Things have gone away, and as time goes on things get better and better. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post–acute_withdrawal_syndrome
give the driking a break... your liver will regenerate well... and often for alcoholics you cn do a detox/taper with Valium (diazepam)..... however do NOT take this for more than 3 weeks (high risk of addictioon;

talk about it to your doc
yeah ive had symptoms like that, you need to cut down or stop drinking for awhile. avoid spirits