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Post acute opioid WD


Aug 29, 2018
Hello, everybody

In past i kicked my habit at least 20 times...i am 27, i have a boyfriend for 5 years, i do not work but i am somehow lucky and money is not a problem.

My issue Is, i was in SEVERE wd from oxycodone 100-200mg or more daily, tramadol 1000-2000mg, dihydrocodeine +- 800mg daily. Also 2-10mg alprazolam daily. Now i suffer from depression, even while taking 800mg modafinil, moklobemide, vortioxetine, alprazolam and pregabalin.
What could help, any activity or whatever u can advice?
Thanks a lot.
Exercise helps alot. I would have never gotten off of methadone had I not started exercising while tapering.
Thanks for reply, which kind of exercise u can advice for me cause i had hard autocrash and many falls (for example from stairs ) due to seizures.
Hello, everybody
I am sorry for opening this again, i just want to say that i started going for a long walks with one of my dogs ( i have many pets cause i love them but i have a house in one town and flat in another, very "nature-surrounded" town"..). I could not sleep well so at night i was training my pet rat Emma.

Back to the topic, since i am no longer slave to the painkillers, i fell much more naturaly happy and i am laughing a lot more, my personal hygiene Is Back to normal, everything except my chronic pain Is much better And i am so glad i did it !

I take modafinil and vortioxetine + maoi's, prescribed for my mood and recovery. I take pregabaline And alprazolam for pain and it works. Next month i would be prescribed my dihydrocodeine but i will give IT to my boyfriend to hide it. I DO NOT WANT TO TAKE IT AGAIN because i feel better on my other meds + weed, which i smoke later at evening or 1 bowl sometimes after lunch.
I have trouble with eating, i am almost starving but i want to loose weight a lot so for now i don't care.
Also, i am starting daily exercise for helping with that empty depressed state, which Is probably caused by lack of endorphins(opioids).

I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Recently wound up in very similar waters myself but from heroin.

Although I'm still very much in recovery myself I've found the only thing that really helps is self care; exercise, eating well, resting plenty. By the sound of it your doing well there walking with the dog and training Emma.

I would put a question to you is the modafinil, pregablin and alprazolam really necessary? Your talking about having seizures, modafinil or xanax won't help your case. Whereas exercise, eating proper nutritional food, and resting well should do.

I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Recently wound up in very similar waters myself but from heroin.

Although I'm still very much in recovery myself I've found the only thing that really helps is self care; exercise, eating well, resting plenty. By the sound of it your doing well there walking with the dog and training Emma.

I would put a question to you is the modafinil, pregablin and alprazolam really necessary? Your talking about having seizures, modafinil or xanax won't help your case. Whereas exercise, eating proper nutritional food, and resting well should do.

Without modafinil and antidepressant i suffer from hardcore depression and the worst symptom is critical fatigue. (I also guit huge meth habit 1 month Ago ).
I suffer from constant pain due to several falls from stairs etc. and almost deadly car accident. But pregabalin works fine . Alprazolam is for excessive stimulation due to taking maoi's + vortioxetine + modafinil. But i plan to quit alprazolam later, now i am still too ... broken from 10+ years Meth + opioids + other things abuse.

Maybe this Is strange, but modafinil actualy acts against that pre seizure auras And shaking. But i Also take levetiracetam (prescribed) and it works very, very good for epylepsi.

I just strugle to eat :(
Exercise helps alot. I would have never gotten off of methadone had I not started exercising while tapering.
100 per cent at first paws you feel fatigued just start walks some weights in gym . I used to at first lay in bed all day with paws saw people saying exercise helps tried it and helps so much
I am reading huge book, listen to music, spent my tíme with pets, cook as s hobby, study many things,.BUT, i am scared of running out of meds and wait 2-3 days for next supply....quiting opioids Is fkin brutal but i am stronger than depression.