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Opioids Dried Poppy Pods - Dosing & Suggestion

Dante Alighieri

May 24, 2024
Heya folks. Hope all is well!

I've lurked here for quite some time and noticed a LOT of questions (most, atcually) about poppy pod dosing revovled around the pods. As in, "How many pods should I..." and "I have [x number] of pods. Is it safe?"

In the spirit of Harm Reduction, I think a kind of standardizing and ASSUMING the highest alkaloid content realistically possible is in order. I.E. - .5% morphine in X number of grams by weight - .2% codiene - .1% Thebaine (I'm throwing numbers...I'm probably waaay off. THIS IS JUST AN EXAMPLE!)

When I say "standardizing" I mean by weight. Preferably in grams. Not in "pod count".

I would also ask the apporx. inquirer's age and weight. It matters, me thinks.

Forgive me...I ain't no scientist-type. ;) It also sound like a doctor's office. Which you guys are NOT running here.

So here goes my very real question AND it's an example of what I mean:

Right now there are 5.7g of dried and finely ground poppy pods that grew quite locally. While I DO have a relatively high tolerance it's been a looong time (100mg/day Oxy usage stopped ~4-5 years ago) I'm of the "Safety First" mindset and looking for chronic pain relief rather than looking to nod.

What would be a "safe" starting dosage for a fella in his 50s and weighing around 135lbs (~61Kg)?
Again, Let's AUTOMATICALLY ASSUME the highest alkaloid content.
I'd rather be "let down" because I didn't reap all the benefits than OD. (Thebaine is my main concern - I HATE stimulants)

I'll also be using @negrogesic's Podspresso (TM - Patent pending) via electric machine to extract the stuff.

Any suggestions/advice (wait...isn't that the same thing? Derp!) /warnings, etc. are greatly appreciated.
When I do this, I'll be glad to report my experience (I found those quite useful when I was lurking).

Take care and thanks in advance!
Update: I did find some info here:

Thanks to @polarthedog for some pretty good info.

It always feels that no matter how thorough you think you are in expressing a question you always think of more valuable info later. Hence, I post yet again for clarification purposes.

My espresso machine holds around 212ml of water.
I guess my question should really be: How much of the resulting tea (say 207ml-worth) would be consumed to test it out RELATIVELY safely?
I would say make 10g of the Podspresso, and drink half.
Thanks bud.

I'm such a anxious soul that I may even halve that. You gave me a great starting point and that's what I was looking for. Thanks again.

As a side note, I found this PDF (link below) on alkaloid concentrations (morphine, codeine, thebaine) in poppy *seeds*. I have no interest in seeds at all except to plant (legit love the blooms) but noticed a lot of folks have a more...culinary...interest. It's relatively heavy stuff but well-worth the read.
And who knows? May save a life. Pretty eye-opening (to me anyway).

Well, since there was only 5.7 grams dried, milled pods (self grown) I decided to put it in my espresso maker (Mr. Coffee 2-4 shot electric). While it fit the cop entirely there wasn't enough pressure to allow hardly any water through once the grounds got wet. It seems to expand quite a bit. I guess dried plant matter will do that. lol

I took out half from the cup and resumed. This time the resulting tea was dark as advertised. I ran another ~200ml of water though and it came out much lighter. I emptied the cup and placed the other half in it and resumed the extraction.

Now I have for cups (~200ml each). One with dark liquid and the other three cups in much lighter, tan shades.

MODS: At this point, maybe this should be in "Trip Reports" but since it includes so much beforehand, I just don't know. Forgive me if I've gone astray!

All times UTC:

10:00 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. : I've been sipping from the darkest, first-pass mug for about an hour an a half. I definitely, absolutely feel SOMETHING. However, I have the bad habit of being very timid when I try new things and titrate very, very slowly yet STILL get wave of anxiety and a quickened pulse. At least until I'm used to it.

Pretty bitter and somewhat spicey. Like I've been rubbing my lips over and licking fiberglass (not recommended, by the way).

Those little rushes of anxiety seem to happen after about 5 minutes after every sip (about a mouthfull = 1 sip). On the dot, without exception, like clockwork.

11:40 p.m. : At this point, I have consumed ~150ml of my little experiment. I still have a quater of a cup (50ml) left. But I'll stop here and give it about 1 -2 hours. I've read that with so many different alkaloids, the interaction can create a much-delayed effect.

Also, I know that to many of you, this may seem silly...just 5 grams of crushed pod...whoop-dee-do! But I'm an older, smaller-framed dude with only a moderate tolerance and remember...I'm dealing with totally different chemistry to boot. This isn't Oxy or Hydo...this is an unknown cocktail to my system.

I'll report back a little later. P.S. - Feels like a ~30mg or so of Hydro at the moment and my anxiety just shot up. Again. <sigh>
UTC Time

2:09 a.m. : Well, all went well. It really was very, very mild in actual physiological results. Subtracting the anxiety I felt, of course.

I did eat a couple of roast beef sammiches so that slowed things way down. Hey, I was hungry and it was din-din time here.

I still feel the faintest of faintest "afterglow" but I'll actually get to sleep easily tonight. A bonus for me.

So, when it comes to Podspresso, DEFINITELY go for the larger capacity models and like Negrogesic said, a stovetop model.

With an electric, I'm not willing to pour anything but water into the resevoir because there's no cleaning that like you can a stovetop. And as I said, the ability to utilize more than 2 grams at a time (remember, I had to divide the grounds that go into the brewing cup) is...well...common sense. Lesson learned!

Since the pods I use are sourced very locally, I'll have time to get the stovetop before next season (this year's garden was very small).

Now that I more or less know what to expect, anxiety will be a non-issue as well.

Stay safe!

Note: I edited the title of the thread to better reflect the topic.
yeah there's no real formula. my dad was on 90mg of Done + all the roxies he wanted. he lost his pills so I gave him pst. the seeds were fucking strong in that bag and I almost had to give him narcan.
DAMN scary shit!
It's easy to dismiss seed tea as not as potent but you can sureeeee find yourself way to hopped up on theibain or what not.. I have over done it a few times but never to that extent. thank goodness you were there for him, and prepared.
DAMN scary shit!
It's easy to dismiss seed tea as not as potent but you can sureeeee find yourself way to hopped up on theibain or what not.. I have over done it a few times but never to that extent. thank goodness you were there for him, and prepared.
I used to laugh at seed tea until I got good seeds