polite ways to decline conversation with the police


Nov 14, 2005
So i was busted for a misdemeanor alcohol violation pretty recently, and talked to the police after they gave me a choice between that or jail, but my lawyer says that it would be a better idea to just go to jail if it came to that, so what would be a good way to decline conversation?
One way would simply be to not say anything at all. Just don't open your mouth. If you must say something, then "I decline to speak without an attorney present."
"I'm sorry but my lawyer has advised me to not talk to the police so I have nothing to say to you." Or something like that.
Tell them the truth. "I have the right to remain silent. Anything I say can and will be used against me."
"With all due respect, I realise you're just trying to do your job, but I don't have anything else to say to you (without the advice of an attorney)."

And, if during a traffic stop, don't wait for permission to leave! Dismiss yourself by asking the officer:

"Are you detaining me officer?, Or am I free to go now?" (This usually shuts them up, because at that point, they know you're not an idiot.)

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I saw some video where people were videotaping the police very openly and when officers would approach, the people filming would say "I do not voluntarily enter into this conversation" or something along those lines.

saying simply and politely "I decline to have a conversation with you sir" should be enough i suppose. but then you have to shut up regardless of what they say lol which i'm sure they will not make easy depending on why they are talking to you. if they are investigating you for a crime it's a lot different than if they just approach you on the street though.
Look him dead in the eye, with a mean flicker, and say "Look here, you cunt. I will kick you in the dick if you don't leave me alone."

No, but seriously, I think saying "Sir, at the advice of my attorney, I must respectfully decline to engage in conversation with you until she/he is present." and then stop talking entirely. In my experiences, the cops will try to rope you into the conversation by saying that they'll go a little easier on you if you just take responsibility for whatever it is they're charging you with, but I assure you, this is essentially a trick.
waterheart776 said:
"Are you detaining me officer?, Or am I free to go now?" (This usually shuts them up, because at that point, they know you're not an idiot.)

Because at that point, they know you're one of those guys who read an ACLU or NORML "how to deal with cops" article. Cops love those guys.
"I want to co-operate."

"With my lawyer present."

NO more, no less. NEVER begin with "all due respect", they love to hear you drop your pants.
I know this isn't a thread about law enforcement questions but if you get pulled over for a traffic violation like no seat belt, running a stop sign, or even speeding, is that probable cause to search you?