PLUR, fun, dancin, paryin' an'.....


Dec 29, 1999
I guarentee you that all you bluelighters, and all of my er... "bluelighting" i guess had a REALY profound effect on me.
My totaly SOBER nite:
I went to a friend's birthday party at some cheeziod retro-dance bar... and I had a BLAST! I stopped "categorizing" people, and worrynig about them, and I just let the PLUR fly with my friends. Being a BAR, and VERY VERY VERY hetero... and... I imagine un-PLUR, I kept alot of the hugz, and fun for the people I knew... (for my own personal well-being) We danced to the cheezy tunes (which I love... but didn't think of them being "danceable") and generaly had a BLAST!
Afterwards, we went to a more... "seedy" club... a little dank, dark, and scary... but there was a WICKED house DJ spinning, and I could just FEEL the PLUR dripping off of some of the people... (or was that sweat?
I danced like I have not danced (sober) in a VERY VERY long time. I had so much FUN, just well, having fun! not analyzing the hell out of everything, or everyone... just accepting things for what they were, and spreadin' the love around my friends.
PLUR never meant as much to me as it does now... I realy, REALY FEEL it now... instead of just believeing it, and wishing it were true.
I have said it before, and I am oing to say it again:
I am realy glad that I have met all of you. I realy appreciate all that you have (inadventently, and indirectly) done for me.
It all feels so NEW again... I may be OLD SKOOL, but I'm no longer JADED about it!

you all RAWK!!!
"Like a shooting star,
Accross the midnight sky!"
PaRaDoX -and PLUR for all!
A virtual apocolyptical (sp?) flood of positivity from Paradox, you've done it again.
I wish everyone could be like that, but as long as some, if not most, people feel that same way is nothing but good. Sober nights can easily be as fun, if not a helluva lot more fun, than drug induced experiences. I am also glad to see someone other than me realizes you dont need to be rollin to be able to dance your ass off!
Paradox, keep the positivity flowing, nothing but good can come from it.
Paradox, that's awsome! I just had a really similair experince tonight at a bar! (similair in the whole epiphany way). I realized I was being as social and loving with people (though not as feely) as I normally am on e. I wasn't dancing, but it was just so nice to be able to go up to anyone and start talking to them about their life. All becasue of the lessons learned through PLUR and bluelight. I wasn't on anything.
it's the next morning... (from my little expierience) and my legs don't even HURT! (I thought I woud be LIMNPING I was dancing so hard for so long last night) I guess all that ravin' has built up my leg muscles... er somethin!
"Like a shooting star,
Accross the midnight sky!"
PaRaDoX -and PLUR for all!
Glad you had a blast bro, would of loved to be there for it

I personally have never done that, the sober thing LOL, but I do believe there will be a nite coming up soon that I will be doing that. Just haven't figured out how I can stay up that late without any help LOL
