Please Help Ya'll


Feb 22, 2012
Hey TDS,

I doubt any of you guys remember my other posts here but I am currently battling a heroin addiction. I have detoxed over and over and each time at around the 14 day mark I relapse and get high again thinking I can control, obviously that's terrible thinking. Anyways fast forward to today...I am currently on day 5 away from heroin but the problem is I have begun smoking crack to take away the urge to get a head change and alter my state of mind. I am only spending around $20-$30 a day which is way less than what I spend on the dope but I can already feel myself getting addicted to the crack, I feel like I think about it more than I think about the dope which is scary. I need to stay away from everything but I'm struggling real hard..
Man, I hate to hit you w/ the typical "trading one thing for another" schtick you already know, but you managed to sub in the one substance more rapidly addicting than heroin, IMHO. I will say you have a good idea in replacing the H w/ another activity, but it's going to need to be a healthy, respect-building activity.
I hear ya - I initially was doing it w/ coke, and then alcohol, and now I'm taking subs and am at 5 days away from speedballs (this time 'round), and I know it won't be 5 days more if it weren't for the fact I'm getting in an inpatient program. Is that an option for you? If not, exercise is the best thing you can do to healthily fill the void, but it has to be matched in the creative and professional areas of your life. It's daunting, and I can't say I've done it, but that's what needs to be built towards, IME.
Thanks for the replies guys...

I'm in this 100% with my girlfriend and we realized that if we don't replace our drugs with healthy habits we are never going to be to overcome this demon. We are getting up early this morning for a pre-day jog to get the day off on the right track. I realized that when i'm sitting inside my house and can't stop thinking about the drugs thats when I need to get off my ass and either go for a run or drive myself to shoot the basketball around. I'm done with the crack...I realized that I was making an extremely poor decision and the fact was that I would catch myself not even enjoying the crack yet fiending for more of it...thats just sad, what kind of life is that? I know I can beat the heroin, I want to so bad. I do have an inpatient available to me, but i'm currently in an IOP and I want to prove to my counselor and everyone in my group that I am serious about recovery and starting today I'm putting a level of effort into it that I have never done before. Thanks again for your posts guys, you have no idea how much something as insignificant as a reply can feel like a major pat on the back to someone who is trying to get themselves out of this hole.

I do have an inpatient available to me, but i'm currently in an IOP and I want to prove to my counselor and everyone in my group that I am serious about recovery and starting today I'm putting a level of effort into it that I have never done before.

^^ That is the best thing you can do at this point. Utilise all services available to you, and seek out any additional ones you think may benefit you and your girlfriend.

Keep up the good work, you can both overcome this.
Thanks for the replies guys...

I'm in this 100% with my girlfriend and we realized that if we don't replace our drugs with healthy habits we are never going to be to overcome this demon. We are getting up early this morning for a pre-day jog to get the day off on the right track. I realized that when i'm sitting inside my house and can't stop thinking about the drugs thats when I need to get off my ass and either go for a run or drive myself to shoot the basketball around. I'm done with the crack...I realized that I was making an extremely poor decision and the fact was that I would catch myself not even enjoying the crack yet fiending for more of it...thats just sad, what kind of life is that? I know I can beat the heroin, I want to so bad. I do have an inpatient available to me, but i'm currently in an IOP and I want to prove to my counselor and everyone in my group that I am serious about recovery and starting today I'm putting a level of effort into it that I have never done before. Thanks again for your posts guys, you have no idea how much something as insignificant as a reply can feel like a major pat on the back to someone who is trying to get themselves out of this hole.


This all puts a smile on my face as I head to my inpatient program. I could tell from reading your post you were too smart to tag in the crack. Still, you deserve credit for being proactive and identifying that persistent trigger (boredom) and treating it w/ healthy outdoor activities. Best to you, Mass08 <3:)
Pick yourself up and dust yourself off and do what you would do if it was a friend of yours. Be gentle, be encouraging, have faith, be honest. It happens more often than not.<3
Mass it will be okay it happens to the best of us. Don't let it become a trend just try to make it a one night slip-up. <3<3
Hopefully...The cravings are already back full blown and seem like they last all day. I got a new job so at least i'll be out and about. I gotta do this though, I want my life back. And I go back to school in the fall I cant bring my habit back with me as thats what almost made me blow it in the first place. Thanks for the support though guys
relapes is part of recovery,just try harder next time and stay away from the crack,you can do it,if you really want to,nothing good comes easy,i used to take lots of hot showers,it help a lot,good luck