• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

please help, propylhexedrine and methamphetamine very close

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Dec 17, 2016
so im in the drug court program and have been sober for almost 7 months. I got some disturbing news that i failed for amphetamines. confident it was a false positive i told them to confirm it with gc/ms testing, to my surprise it came back POSITIVE for METHAMPHETAMINES. i was beyond frustrated thinking they are out to get me they mixed me up with someone else etc etc. i started thinking about things i have been taking.

everything that ive taken that can cause a false positive for amphetamines:

all where taken like theyre supposed to and obtained legally through prescription or otc
did a little research and seen that all can cause false positives but gc/ms testing should confirm it negative... of course thats not what fucking happened. found out that benzedrex can be used as a high and is very close in molecular structure to methamphetamine. Im pissed. I just dont understand the lab should still know the difference right? I contacted probation and brought in my prescriptions and inhaler and showed him proof of propylhexedrine being an analog of methamphetamine and his response was "well ill see what i can do but the team will most likely violate you" what the fuck do i do guys?!?!
Sorry to say it but you are more than likely fucked, just from what I know about probation and ESPECIALLY drug court. Not trying to offend anyone in the industry, but I've heard horror stories about those lab techs falsifying reports/not actually doing the tests/having contaminated equipment...although since from what I can tell the from your story the stick read positive for amphetamines as well as the confirmation, I'd get a lawyer and challenge on the basis of chain of custody, whether the results are BS or not, that is your best shot. And if you haven't already and any time has passed it may not help, but if this just happened go to a drug testing facility and get your own test done asap showing no drugs.
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