Please help (amphetamine side effects)


Jan 9, 2011
I abused 20mg IR adderall for a few months. I was railing 3-5 pills a day, and now my ears twitch at nearly every sound. I've stopped the amphetamines for 2 months, but relapsed yesterday and today. I took 2 normally yesterday, then today I railed 2 of them, and my ear starting twitching BAD at any sound that I wasn't expecting to hear. Any noise behind me will make my ears twitch bad.

How can I stop this?8(

Have you had a sleep yet? Should be better after sleep
Are you talking about startle response or are your ears physically twitching?
As a TEMPORARY fix until you come down, alcohol can be helpful, as long as you don't, in your drunk state, decide that now that the side effects aren't as bad, you can take more amphetamines. It can also help you fall asleep, so you aren't laying in bed, jumping every time the house creaks.
Thank you.

I just took two 20mgs normally...which was STUPID. I've slept and just got up but nothing has changed. I'm worried because everybody at my job has noticed, and I'm sure they all figure I'm high on crank during work hours, which is terrible because they might send me off for a drug test

I've noticed that this happens only when I rail them, and doesn't if I just take them orally. Since I railed some yesterday I'm worried that taking 2 today orally will just make this side effects continue for longer
Does anyone know of any techniques or natural supplements that can stop this from happening?
I really think you should stop railing them. Taking them orally will not cause side effects worse than snorting them. If you are prescribed them take them as directed. You need time to recoup so a few days off wouldn't hurt.
I appreciate all the responses. I'm going to stop taking them for awhile. I'm going to be buying some valium in a few days to help with the side effects
Please keep us updated on how you are doing Parallel and don't hesitate to come on here if you find you are having a sudden urge to dose again we'll help you find reasons why you should lay off for a few days. <3<3
i think beta blockers might be effective in reducing this response. I only did a quick google search but it seems there is some evidence. Although i'd be careful combining them with amphetamine.