please help - advice needed.


Dec 21, 1999
Some of u would know my "lost love" saga. Well I need some advice on a diferent topic, but slightly related.
I'm taking my ex-fiance to court in a few weeks. He is being changed with assult, break/enter and forced imprisonment. This is because he smashed in my back door and attatcked my lost love (we'll call him Frank) and wouldn't let myself, Frank or my flatmate (bluelighter Sassy) leave. He was having difficulty with the break up and my relationship with Frank didn't help. Scared that he would return, I called the police after he left and he was arrested and released on bail. A restraining order was placed on him to protect the 3 of us.
But I felt so guilty for doing this to another person, so knowing that he wanted to see me, I tried to be friends with him (despite the restrainig order). I also kept this a secret from Frank, knowing that he wouldn't understand. This has all backfired on me because my ex still wants something more and still tries to control me by turning up at my house in the middle of the night, calling at all hours, etc. I eventually had to tell Frank about my contact with my ex. I assured him that there would be no more contact. But in my darkest hours I tend to relent and give him a call. He still turns up/calls in the middle of the night. (As recent as two nights ago).
Frank has begged me heaps of times to call the police but if I do my ex will be arrested and thrown in jail until the court case. So I keep avoiding calling them, but I'm running out of excuses.
I'm scared of going to court for a few reasons. I have never been before and I'm going to be cross examined and I can't remember hardly anything about the events. The court will think I am lying.
I also don't want my ex to go to jail but to try and keep him out I will have to make my story sound like I am more on his side. If I do that Frank will not speak to me ever again. I am also worried that it will come out about how much contact my ex and I have really had. Again Frank will not talk to me if he knows the truth.
What should I do? I wanted to hide until all this is over but I've been told that I will be summonsed and fined if I don't appear.
Please help me. I need advice. I just wish this was over.
Thanks guys.
Tell the truth. Whatever else happens in this situation, the best outcome can only be attained by telling the truth. Lying more will only cause more hurt in the end (to you more than anybody else), so tell the truth and everything will work itself out as it should. Don't lie in court. It will only make things worse.
Good luck. I really hope that it all turns out ok.
"After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music"
- Aldous Huxley
hey hon
i was in a situation where i had to hsve a restraining order placed on a man who i had been seeing wehn i broke it off he pulled a gun on my and threatened to kill me.
1st of all tell the truth in court your job isnt to worry about how you sound its the lawyers who present the case.
its hard i had not seen my attacker since he made the attempt and i was terrified but after i did i took back my power from him and by doing so i made myself feel much
better (by taking back my power i mean i looked him in the eye and was no longer gonna let my fear rule me and i let him know that)
also from what ive learned and the support i sought after him you have to walk away if you think you are doing him a favor by being friends your not in his head its not possible so in all actuallity your stringing him along(not on purpose)
hell never move on or become more stable if he thinks well i have a chance or if only im a better friend shell change her mind.
your job is not to be his savior but to be your own
he will find help when he is ready and not before
dont feel bad about anything..if he had been a stranger how would you feel? i dont htink youd feel bad
and if you dont expect t out of a complete stranger then why would you allow someone in your life to act that way?
i hope this dosent sound like i am saying any of this is your fault im trying to share the lessons i learned almost too late for me
(the gun had not been his 1st "feat" but it was his drastic)
you have my thoughts and prayers and my scoulding to take care of yourself not to worry about being good to everyone
and my last thought...would you dangle candy in front of a fat child who could have none?
remember your his candy...its all about impulse not logic when he thinks of you.
~special k~
"you will remain the same till the pain of staying that way is greater then the pain of change"
Thanks guys.
And you are so right, special k. I didn't realise that I was "dangling candy" in front of him until now. I thought I was just doing my best to make us friends and hopefully make this all better. Now it makes more sense.
I will tell the truth in court, though sometimes I forget what that is. I just have a bad feeling about it all.
Butterflies in my stomach everytime I think about it.
I should have just walked away in the beginning and not complicated things by trying to be on everyone's side. Sometimes I forget that I was the original victim.
Thnaks again.
Any other experiences or advice?
i am so glad you didnt take offense to my post i thought ...ummm maybe you will come across harshly since she dosent know you...i am soo happy
and hon you are the only victim not the original all he did he did to himself, if you feel anything fell pity for him.
and fear i have found can be a good thing it reminds you are alive.
and like i said before its the courts place to get you ready try to remember and have faith but if you dont, its still ok dont make this court thing about you or your healing your just the extra...only a witness and victim and in the US youd be no different then any other witness (im not sure where you are)
this is all about him even if hes found not guilty does it really make a differance in your day to day life? id find a support group or if you are in the US ask for a victims advocate (she goes with you to court and helps you thru it...will even speak on your behalf...they are greatand free)
have faith itll turn the way it should even if you dont see how
~special k~
"you will remain the same till the pain of staying that way is greater then the pain of change"