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Pink/Purple Fentanyl


Apr 29, 2018
On the latest season on "Intervention" I've seen them using pink or purple fentanyl and remember hearing people on here talk about that, too.
Is it actual Fentanyl? Is why the colour?
Also this guy used "1 to 2 grams a day" - which obviously means it's extremely heavily cut :/

Purple heroin — which gets its name because it is often purple in color — contains the synthetic opioid fentanyl, acetaminophen (the ingredient found in Tylenol), flualprazolam (an illicit sedative similar to Xanax), buspirone (an anti-anxiety drug), niacinamide (a form of Vitamin B) and, most notably, a new drug named brorphine.

Brorphine is a new RC opioid about as potent as fentanyl

I'm not using Fentanyl btw and have never seen this coloured powder in person, I was just curious. I have used Fentanyl in the past but I've never been crazy enough to inject it. I just used to try and make sure I had at least a couple of the patches around. Kind of like a "rainy day fund" 'cause you just stick one on and you're good for three days.
So, I’ve been a lurker here for a few years.. but finally coming around to post because I have the same question and some experience maybe;
I live in south FL
Recently my boyfriend and I have been getting into what we think is a fent analogue of some sort. I haven’t tested it, I wish I could now, but I don’t know if I will get the chance. I’m wondering if anyone has experienced something similar ?
It is white powder & When smoked on foil it turns a light pinkish color and has a distinct sweeter taste. Whereas everything else from the street has a noxious plasticy taste/smell when smoked. That is the first difference, the second being the high. It is euphoric and noddy almost like heroin, nothing I have ever felt before without knowing what it was. I’m very curious now after reading the above post by LivingonValium.

If anyone can throw in their 2 cents on what type of analogue this might be lmk? I’m also experiencing withdrawals from it now that seem to me a bit different from other withdrawal experiences I’ve had from plain ol opiates.
Advice needed. Thanks!
So, I’ve been a lurker here for a few years.. but finally coming around to post because I have the same question and some experience maybe;
I live in south FL
Recently my boyfriend and I have been getting into what we think is a fent analogue of some sort. I haven’t tested it, I wish I could now, but I don’t know if I will get the chance. I’m wondering if anyone has experienced something similar ?
It is white powder & When smoked on foil it turns a light pinkish color and has a distinct sweeter taste. Whereas everything else from the street has a noxious plasticy taste/smell when smoked. That is the first difference, the second being the high. It is euphoric and noddy almost like heroin, nothing I have ever felt before without knowing what it was. I’m very curious now after reading the above post by LivingonValium.

If anyone can throw in their 2 cents on what type of analogue this might be lmk? I’m also experiencing withdrawals from it now that seem to me a bit different from other withdrawal experiences I’ve had from plain ol opiates.
Advice needed. Thanks!
It would basically be impossible to tell what the substance is without lab testing and substance identification is against forum policy.

I'm blown away by the number of synthetic opioids that exist. Some of the most bizarre and least morphine like chemical structures you could ever imagine, too.
Impossible to tell, color isn't very indicative of the active component.
On the latest season on "Intervention" I've seen them using pink or purple fentanyl and remember hearing people on here talk about that, too.
Is it actual Fentanyl? Is why the colour?
Also this guy used "1 to 2 grams a day" - which obviously means it's extremely heavily cut :/
It's branding afaik. It comes inamy colours. Blue is another. The stuff going around here lately is orange.
Yeah the coloring is just branding, almost all pure compounds are white powders, including fentanyl and analogues. The color is added on purpose to differentiate it, I suppose, and make it recognizable as a particular "type".

Also to whoever said it's obviously heavily cut, well yes, all street fent is heavily cut, otherwise people would be dying in much higher numbers than they already are. A dose of fentanyl is like 1mg or less, which is an extremely tiny amount of powder. A few of the fentanyl analogues (like carfentanyl) are even much more potent than that - carfentanyl is dosed at like 5 micrograms, which is such a small amount of powder it can't be seen with the naked eye. Obviously when people get a big tolerance that dose goes up, but people are used to doing larger amounts of powder and most people don't have scales, so it has to be made into an amount of powder that is similar to what people would be doing with heroin or other drugs they're used to. The reason fentanyl in drugs is so dangerous is because if it isn't cut properly, you have a drug that people will OD on extremely easily. Either it gets cut too little, so it's way stronger by weight than it was expected to be, or, more commonly, it is not cut well, so there are "hot spots" where some of it is much more potent than other parts. Simply fentanyl into an inert powder and mixing it by hand will produce hot spots, proper cutting is a more involved process, if you want to make sure it is evenly distributed. These hot spots in drugs that are not cut properly are responsible for a lot of the deaths. You could be using from the same bag and one time you happen to get a hot spot and that's the time you die.
Purity around here ranges between 10-35% fent on average and there’s often heroin and home cooked alprazolam and RC type benzos cut in. It’s plenty potent. 100% fentanyl would be stupid to put out rock or powder. It’s bad enough as is.