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Pink Ladies, Blue dolphins, Purple Jesus, Pink Transformers..?!?!


Aug 29, 2007
Anybody heard of any of these?? Good? Bunk? If anybody can respond by tomorrow that'd be great, I'm in the Minneapolis area.

I never seen, nor have i even heard of anything lie ka"pink" pill period. but I have had the "red naked lady". and the red naked lady, was one of, if not the best pill I've ever had, I dont know how to test pills, but this pill was oh so potent, one of them had me feeling TERRIFIC i nthe COLD but in absolute bliss. soI dont know about any of the other ones, well ,the blue dolphins are good ,I've only had em once, but in comparison, I would argue the red naked lady was two times better, literally. nw that I think aboutit, the red naked lady was the best pill ive ever had, even better than the first one ive ever had, or the first ecstasy expericne ive ever had, which was with a blue scorpion, but very good nonetheless.

I've also heard taht the transformers i ngeneral are almost always good, but the red naked ladies, if theyre red taht is, are beautiful and a very intelligent and sophisticated woman who I could see marrying, she always listens and laughs at my jokes, so she's A OK in my book!

no but really, the red naked lady man, the red naked lady!
Where are you at?

Blue Dolphins in my area apparently lately have been MDxx medium and adulterated with speed... (note: pills tested only by consumption by others).. but I've heard good things about other dolphins.

The blue naked ladies around my area are the best pills I've ever taken (same to most everyone who has rolled on them that I know).. but no idea about the red ones.

~DFW, Texas
pink transformers are good

tested positive for mdma

outpressed logo...very hard pill

purple jesus is good, medium to high MDMA content. found its way to milwaukee.