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Phenibut and lsd


May 5, 2017
I recently discovered phenibut but have yet to try it. I've read a lot of good reviews on phenibut and lsd in combination and I'm very curious about its anti-anxiety benefits while tripping. My question is related to the dosage of phenibut. Has anyone taken 500mg with any psychedelic and what effects did it produce? I'm not looking for a drug like feeling from the phenibut, I just would like to be anxiety free whilst going into the pyschedelic experience. I think it is important to note that I have taken psychedelics on multiple different occasions and have really only had a few times where the anxiety was turning into "bad trip" territory. (I'm sure 7g of penis envy for my first time ever trying shrooms had a lot to do with one instance. The other time was most likely related to cannabis use during the end of my peak on 2 hits of lsd.) Because of my slightly bad experience I'm a little nervous to dose again but very much so want to. Does as little as 500mg of phenibut take the edge off before embarking on the amazing but sometimes scary trip of psychedelics for anyone? Thank you in advance!
UP TO 500 mg should be okay...

Yes I think it's pretty nice, as are other gabapentinoids with psychedelics...

There are definitely other means to deal with what is considered the 'bad' side of a trip, which should not be ignored... but drugs like phenibut can make it a bit more relaxed and fluffy... there are some potential side-effects of phenibut, they shouldn't stand in the way...

Try phenibut on it's own first... you shoudn't take something for the first time together with LSD, first see how you react, what the effects are like, how to dose and whether the effects are even appropriate to combine.
Thank you! I will definitely give it a try before I combine it. Have you ever heard of anybody having negative side effects from 500mg of phenibut by itself?
I don't think so, but not all that much higher I have felt noxious effects just as if there were psychosomatic anxiety effects just tightening me up. It is not recommended at all to just venture up high as if there is no punishment, or if you wish you find out for yourself, make sure you are not high on other drugs at the time.