Pearls of Wisdom -> BL Wisdom with a POP


Apr 21, 2010
Please share with us in an effort to create a loose file of wisdom you have taken from BL. Ideally, the statement has manifested as a tool you can revisit.

What have you learned from BL folks- Statements potent enough to assist the addict in positive behavior changes?


I can break the ice by sharing an outrageous concept espoused somewhere on BL (not sure where):
"If cigarettes were introduced this year, and sold only online or from head shops... People everywhere would likely call this one out: RIP. OFF."

(I'm in the process of quitting. Down to 2 cigs (4 breaks) per day.
FYI: Cigs are basically the Least tasty thing.)

ALSO: PM me if you are dually unoccupied..
Drugs have there own version of Rule 34 (which states that if it exists, there is porn of it - no exceptions).

If it exists, someone has tried to get high on it and posted about the experience online. No exceptions.
Just generally the pearls of wisdom I have come across, that impact me, are the general qualitative ones by Bl'ers, esp on TDS.
Its the people in the face of Adversary, who still hang on, the people, who despite their own personal struggles, continue to help others and who empathise with them. Also, the honesty of the heroes on here who've been to a hell and come back chosing to share their strengths and weaknesses in an effort to level us all into real ''Humans''; the Paradox of which is both Frailty and Strength.
One person in particular stands out for me who's gratitude and fighting Spirit I am in complete awe of but that is just one of many.

I guess it could be summed up in ''Know Thyself!''. :)
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