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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Talk Thread 2022-2023 v. Year of the Phenethylamine

Decided not to evacuate going to just going ride the storm out; hopefully I'll be ok. At least I got allot of oils and flowers also thank god I made the pharmacy 10 mins before closed yesterday for the storm; would not be in a good place if I didn't

So, my wife and I have been dreaming of visiting our old college town again for years, maybe as an anniversary thing or something. We keep finding reasons not to go.

Both my best friend/roommate from college and I have our 30th birthdays soon. He just called me saying the old group will be getting together in the old town and go to all our old haunts. And guess what? It’s the same exact days as my cousin’s wedding… can’t get out of that one. So I have to miss out on quite possibly the funnest weekend since I was 22 years old.

I’m not mad at my cousin, they picked the date a year in advance. He has a right to be married and I want to be there for him. But I’ll be damned it if this ain’t real awful timing. I miss my best friend and I miss my old town. Suddenly, turning 30 is really starting to eat at me, hard.
Damn man, what shit timing, sorry. :(

Maybe they'd be willing to adjust the dates?
On this date four years ago, I had a trip that saved me from suicide and was the first time in my life I learnt to love myself. Now I have stayed sober for a few months. The last couple months were hard and I tried to give up. In the midst of this chaotic world just remembering that trip and all the things that led upto it. Life is a rollercoaster so many ups and downs. Im going to try become a more positive person from now on somehow. I look at the world as very black and white. Its hard for me to let go of the past.

Ashwagnda is one of the most dangerous herbs out there. that shit fucked my head up worse than any drug i ever took. I stopped taking it over the last few weeks and slowly recovering from its fucked up shit it does to the brain and body.
holy fuck just realized that trip was at the same time a great dogzchen tibetean buddihist teacher passed away. No wonder it was so holy.
holy fuck just realized that trip was at the same time a great dogzchen tibetean buddihist teacher passed away. No wonder it was so holy.
Also last year the singularly most unfortunate and perilous act I took in terms of repercussion cost and consequence to this day, back break and internal injuries, occured on Halloween!

I don't like Halloween, I never did.

I definitely won't now!
So, my wife and I have been dreaming of visiting our old college town again for years, maybe as an anniversary thing or something. We keep finding reasons not to go.

Both my best friend/roommate from college and I have our 30th birthdays soon. He just called me saying the old group will be getting together in the old town and go to all our old haunts. And guess what? It’s the same exact days as my cousin’s wedding… can’t get out of that one. So I have to miss out on quite possibly the funnest weekend since I was 22 years old.

I’m not mad at my cousin, they picked the date a year in advance. He has a right to be married and I want to be there for him. But I’ll be damned it if this ain’t real awful timing. I miss my best friend and I miss my old town. Suddenly, turning 30 is really starting to eat at me, hard.
How long has it been since you saw your cousin? Can you possibly hold a CG lookalike contest and send the winner in your place?

Seriously though, maybe you can ask your mates to move the dates forward? Or arrange something for another time?

Turning 30 isn't so bad either. On my 30th birthday I realised birthdays don't really matter. It's the good times that do, and you can have them whenever. I understand that's definitely easier when you've got your friends around though.

It'll work out.
Your 30s are your best decade anyway... although people tend to get weirded out at the beginning of them. Then once you get towards you end you realize they were way better than your 20s. At least, that's what I see happening with most people.
Damn man, what shit timing, sorry. :(

Maybe they'd be willing to adjust the dates?
Nah, they all want to go to some football game too so the weekend was specifically chosen for that. And if my college experience was any indicator the rest of the friend group isn’t willing to accommodate me, they’re all more like good acquaintances. I just wanted to see my old roommate, I’ve never clicked with anyone else quite like I did with him.

It’ll be okay… I’ll find another time to go up there and I’ll visit my old roommate another time. Just sucks :(

Your 30s are your best decade anyway... although people tend to get weirded out at the beginning of them. Then once you get towards you end you realize they were way better than your 20s. At least, that's what I see happening with most people.
I’m sure they will be. Honestly the 2020s have been good for us financially at least, and with our house hunt on, I can feel a wonderful new era in my life approaching… just in a very stressful build up.

I can’t wait to find a home, move, deal with whatever bullshit breaks on the house, then finally be free to stay living again. My life truly feels on pause lately.
How long has it been since you saw your cousin? Can you possibly hold a CG lookalike contest and send the winner in your place?
I see him almost monthly now. We live very close now so I’m not sure why we don’t hang much except that maybe as we age we’re moving apart. Would be awesome if I could just send a stand in but alas my family would come down on me so hard. This is on my mom’s side of the family and not obeying them is like going out in East Germany and shouting “Fuck Stalin!” In the street and not expecting to get sent to the gulag lol
i have an appointment with a neurologist on december 21st, maybe they are able to see something via mrt but im not sure. its something damaged at gaba-b or downstream of it since last september. and then i had the next incident on 9/11 this year. some synapses with gaba-a receptors on it which made my glutamate (nmda-receptor) system not being able to enjoy dissociatives. something like 5mg (maybe 10mg) of o-pce work but a full dose feels dull and not good and i get a real hangover directly when coming down. shit, i loved dissos so much...
Your 30s are your best decade anyway... although people tend to get weirded out at the beginning of them. Then once you get towards you end you realize they were way better than your 20s. At least, that's what I see happening with most people.
Xork is right. Being in your 30s rules. I changed a lot of stuff around in my life after I turned 30. It's also when I rekindled with psychedelics. Curious to see what my 40s have in store for me.
It's not so much that I fear being in my 30s. Hell I know for a fact it will be a better decade of my life in terms of stability, contentment, self-worth, etc. I can see it coming.

But I also see my body deteriorating at faster and faster rates. New health issues popping up faster and faster in recent years. They're only gonna get worse. And then yesterday I was at the County Tax Assessor's office to get my car registration renewed and when the lady ID'd me she said, "My, you've changed." And I was like, damn... I did not want to hear that right now lol. Apparently I don't match my photo ID much these days (not the first person to mention that the guy in the photo looks younger...) and so it's like a feeling of mourning my ill-spent youth combined with genuine fear about what my 30s and 40s will have in store for me health wise.
Yeah the body deterioration is a real thing. My early 30s were my absolute prime physically, coming out of ibogaine, I got in shape and I felt better physically than at any point in my 20s (maybe if I had taken better care of myself in my 20s I would feel differently about that though). But after 35 I started to notice increasing amounts of joint pain, and at 39, I definitely just feel older... I can start to feel "oldness" settling in, though I am sure that me in 10, 20 years will laugh and call now-me a noob.
Honestly I feel better these days then I did in my twenties, I used to have high blood pressure mid-twenties and needed to be on pills which I stopped in my mid thirties and have fine BP now. Also used to get terrible daily headaches back then which I don't anymore. Was constantly in and out of dope sickness back then and had severe stomach problems. Not as big of an issue now, biggest thing of all tho is when I initially developed chronic prostatitis in my twenties they kept me on long-term antibiotics for two years off and on and it straight decimated my immune system.

For years after that I would get respiratory infections every 3 or 4 weeks. After doing extensive studying of Medical Mushrooms thanks to Paul Stamets. I took very large amounts of assorted ones for years, Turkey Tails helped me most noticably. I was able to replenish my Gut Flora to such a degree (70-80% of the immune system is in your gut) that I barely ever get sick now at all, I haven't had a respiratory infection in years now, knock on wood.

Mushrooms literally saved my life for awhile there I was so sick all the time I thought I was gonna die struggling to breathe. The extent they helped me is mindboggling, I don't even take them anymore "but I should" and I still stopped getting sick.

I really need to buy some more Turkey Tails again soon and start supplementing again for good measure. 🦃

So yes, my late thirties health is a blessing.
Wish you all well PD Fam.
Take care of your temple.
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Wow, that's amazing! I definitely strongly believe in the medicinal value of mushrooms. Particularly, there are a number of mushrooms that show strong tumor-reducing/anti-cancer activity in studies. I was taking a medicinal mushroom blend every morning for quite a while... the co-op I buy it from ran out and stayed out for a long time and I haven't even thought to check in a while whether they've gotten it back in stock. But this reminds me to do so.