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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Paracetamol - Overdose - Intentional


Apr 18, 2017
About 20 years ago I got the strangest idea into my head that I was going to kill myself. Poor wittle me etc. I started out by wading in traffic but nobody would kill me, they just swerved and went ape shit at me. Looking back I realise this was incredibly selfish and I could have caused other people to die or ruined their life, which makes me a class-A arsehole, but when you're suicidal you're only thinking of yourself. I was very drunk at the time. So I get home and I decide to empty the bottle of paracetamol and eat them all (only about 25 in all). Turns out to be surprisingly difficult to eat that many pills at once, I remember it felt like it took forever. In the end I just crunched them all up in my mouth. Then I find a bottle of something containing paracetamol and drink the whole bottle. Next I go to bed and lie face down. As I begin to feel worse I keep telling myself to just go with it, let it happen. Then sudden panic, what the fuck am I doing? I want to live. I call an ambulance. On the drive over there I remember feeling cold and the paramedic telling me that dying by paracetamol is one of the worst ways to go, he tells me, "Oh you'll die, but it'll take a couple of days in complete agony as your organs fail".

So I get into hospital and they give me this bottle of charcoal to drink. They tell me drug has been in too long too pump my stomach, which at that point I was more or less begging for. Now, I can tell you that drinking the charcoal isn't much fun. You drink a tiny amount and gag every ml of it, then look at the bottle realising you have nearly a litre left to go.

Now, I may not remember all of it, but after that I think I was admitted to a ward. I cannot remember if I was given any pills or not but I was hooked up to a drip. They told me its going to make me sick as a dog and give me a stack of those cartons to puke in. Its about 4AM by this point and I'm feeling pretty sober, then whatever was in this drip made me feel drunker than I'd ever been in my life. I pass out, then wake up puking my guts out. Then this euphoric bliss would settle in and I'd pass out again. 30 mins later I'd puke really bad. Rinse and repeat for hours.

The doctor comes round the ward his nurses in tow. I'm watching him treat them really bad, this guy had a god complex and was taking every little thing out on these poor nurses, man was a complete bully. I'm waiting for him to get round to my bed so I can give him a piece of my mind, only when I try to talk nothing but gibberish comes out. Doctor looks at me with disgust, mumbles something about patient being incoherent and moves on.

Eventually I was discharged and was at work the following day, trying to pretend none of it ever had happened.

Overall, I can highly recommend not taking an overdose and I was of course incredibly lucky and stupid, and wasted the hospitals time and money and scared the shit out of my family and put other people's life at risk. Just don't. Not ever. Not even a tiny bit.

parting joke: Why is their no aspirin in the jungle? Because the paracetamol.

Tagged by Xorkoth
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Haha, wow. I only laugh because of the joke, nice one. :) But seriously, I'm glad you survived. Thanks for sharing the story.

I added the substance to the report's title
Why would you take paracetamol for suicide? It just causes liver failure and nerve damage at max.........
Funny.. Suicide sucks.. You get one life mate.. Live it

Stay Safe :)
That really sucks but I'm glad you posted it so other people who may be thinking about taking their life possibly sees it and changes their mind. Suicide is not a good option and is one of the worst evils that plagued this earth...