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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Oxymorphone - Experienced - Elite of Opioids


Jan 17, 2010
Background - I have a pinched nerve and damaged joint ending in my right foot due to years of severe gout flare ups. I am in pain 24/7 and no surgery available can correct the damage so my only option is pain management and minor physical activity - hard to accomplish because I am a 27 year old father of two. Anyways I'm on 80 mg oxycontin 2x daily and am prescribed 120 norco 10/325 for break throughs. I was lucky enough to obtain 4 40mg Opanas from from a friend. They were expensive but well worth it. I always research any opiate before consuming and was disappointed at the lack of reports on this wonderful drug so I figured I'd add one in. BTW this is not an easy drug to obtain and is not recommended for opiate naive persons.

T - 8:00am - insufullated a 10 mg rail. Setting - Getting ready for work. A razor is best for shaving this pill instead of hose clamp FYI

T - 8:16am - walk outside to have a smoke. Already mouth is dry and that preemptive opiod feeling has set in. Minor euphoria has begun. Feeling great.

T - 9:00am - arrive at work in a truely blissful state. I work at a large operations center with 1000+ employees. I sit down at my desk and I begin to ride a large wave of euphoria that has now overcome me. I am able to work and I actually didnt mind my job or coworkers.

T: 9:30am - No changes still feeling wonderful. Different high than OC much more euphoric. OC gives me a speedy high that I love but it has never plastered me to my seat like this. Music is great and I'm fully content with everything.

T: 10:00am - No changes - enjoying every second

T: 11:00am - I make my way to the bathroom with my trusty pic frame glass and straw and insuffulate another 10 mgs

T: 11:30am - I'm floating..no pain..no worries..I notice I have a slight hard on..wow I've experienced the opiate family many times and never had that effect.

T: 4:30pm - nothing new to report from previous entry so headed to restroom for another rail before leaving. Still have hard on BTW..strange.

T: 7:00pm - railed remaining opana and stayed in a blissful close to nodding state for remainder of night. My favorite opiate as of yet.

Side note: opana has no recreational effects when taken orally. Again this drug is not for the average user as it is super powerful.

Hope you enjoyed my first bluelight report...
great report. i never even hear of oxymorphone on the street and my state is like one of the leaders of prescription drug abuse/trafficking or whatever (btw im referring to florida) anyway i've never done oxymorphone but i've done fair amounts of milder opiates such as codeine, hydrocodone, oxycodone,etc. and most of the time i do get a hard-on. i always thought this was starnge, b/c i never hear of anyone else reporting it.
It is extremely hard to get and I have only met one person who was given a script for it from a pain clinic in TN. It is my favorite opiate by far. I was first able to get the 10mgs IR which I wasn't that impressed with due to my ridiculous tolerance no doubt but I could tell there was something special about this drug. Once he told me he had the 40 ERs i got as many as I could because the shits so rare. The 40s hit the spot for me. I highly recommend it to the opiate tolerant user if you are lucky enough to grab some. I would get my Dr. to switch me from the oc80s to opana but I can't see my self snorting something I have to take everyday cuz I heard many negative experiences from people who switched from oc to opana when taken daily orally for chronic pain. With the oc I get both rail it or swallow it.
From what I've read it can easily cause an opiate naive user to OD. Absolute best high I have ever experienced! ( never done H before )
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...about the hard on - never had it happen before the oxymorphone even at extremely high doses of OC, Hydrocodone, morphine, roxycodone, etc..strangely enough the friend I obtained the opana from reported that he had the same issue - if you want to call it that. Happens everytime i hit oxymorphone though..I look at it like this, you know its good shit when it gives ya a boner.
ive not experienced opana

but isnt Oxymorphone the same thing as Dilaudid? cause I am able to find those up here quite frequently and have snorted them from time to time
Yeah they are definitely NOT the same thing. Hydromorpone (Dilaudid) is weaker. It's AWESOME and easier to come by (still difficult for sure). Oxymorphone=Opana , is more potent (obviously) and more difficult to 'find' .

Great report. I'd love to try some. I've had dilaudid plenty but am yet to find opana.
i love Opana too, much better than OC's IMO.

i have tried the 30mg XR red, stoplight-shaped opanas, and the 10mg Instant Release pink ones and really wanna try IV'ing one of the 10mgs.