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Jul 23, 2010
My favorite benzo is Diazepam, but I find the effect in terms of duration too long (if for example I have to do a lot of work, I'm to tired with valium)

I never tried Oxazepam

Someone tell that it is a "light" Diazepam, others tell that it is more in terms effect closest to Lorazepam ??? (and I absolutely hate Lorazepam (ativan) :X )

I already know that the acting duration of oxazepam is far inferior than diazepam and for me it is already a good point.

(Of course I have read the current threads on oxazepam but they are too confused for me)

My Question is : Does OXAZEPAM in terms of "effects/feeling" is closer to DIAZEPAM or to LORAZEPAM or to an other BENZO ???

Last question : is it less hypnotic than valium ? (or the same)

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It's closer to diazepam as it is the major active metabolite of diazepam. Lorazepam has no active metabolites.
Okay, Oxazepam and Lorazepam are actually much closer to EACH OTHER than any of them are to diazepam. Both lorazepam and oxazepam are 3-hydroxy benzos, just like temazepam and lormetazepam.

But of the 2, oxaz is closer to diaz then loraz is.
Also, loraz is probably more hypnotic IMO.
oxazepam is a pretty average anxiolytic benzo in my books... i prefer diazepam... the muscle relaxing properties are great, but i t is a lot more sedating than oxazepam
Yes, but Lorazepam and Oxazepam are both 3-Hydroxy benzodiazepines while Diazepam is a 2-Keto.
Okay, Oxazepam and Lorazepam are actually much closer to EACH OTHER than any of them are to diazepam. Both lorazepam and oxazepam are 3-hydroxy benzos, just like temazepam and lormetazepam.

But of the 2, oxaz is closer to diaz then loraz is.
Also, loraz is probably more hypnotic IMO.

As I understand Oxazepam in terms of effects is closer to Lorazepam than Diazepam (but less hypnotic) right ?
oxazepam is a pretty average anxiolytic benzo in my books... i prefer diazepam... the muscle relaxing properties are great, but i t is a lot more sedating than oxazepam

The question is really does oxasepam is closer to Lorazepam than Diazepam (not in terms of chemistry, in terms of feeling) ??

because I hate Lorazepam, then if oxazepam is a "light" lorazepam i will never buy it
lorazepam is stronger than oxazepam, period. it is more hypnotic, euphoric, and kills anxiety better. i don't care much for lorazepam, but its way better than oxazepam, which is one of the weakest benzos around.
I got confused i was thinking of Phenazepam
i only get rx ed nitrazepam (my fave) and diazepam
lorazepam is very good for short term use 4 anxiety but your tolerance goes through the roof very quick
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