Out of Sync-Aspergers Related

Hannah Capps

Let the Redeemed of the Lord Say So
Jan 29, 2006
In every sense of the term, I'm out of sync...Socially more so recently, I can't stand social contact to begin with normally, now it just is physically painful of the tooth drilling variety...I react to questions with a quip answer it will be the truth but its more grating the usual so those around me say...My dead pan has more of an annoyed edge, and I can't stand myself being this bitchy...Which is why I sleep all day long the days the entire family is here...I don't want to hurt them by what I'd say, I'd rather take it out on myself the anger, the annoyance...It could be my moods just sifting for lord only knows what reason...

Tomorrow I'm getting some fasting blood work done, its regarding the PCOS issues and the possibility that I may need to go on metformen...And I've also got to call my therapist and the Medicare cab services to set up an appointment and pick up...I've not been in 3 months...Most of this is nonsense and my own damn fault, and thats what is so infuriating...me...

Humans for the most part are confusing, and I've grown tired of trying to explain what high functioning autism is like in females, actually beyond tired, I don't try to bridge the gap any longer...There isn't a point that I can see at the moment...I don't have a vendetta nor am I back stabbing, I don't cross people and with someone such as myself, what one sees is truly me...I am quiet most of the time, when asked an opinion or point of view its gladly given, but my honesty of where I stand is 'so harsh' that its off putting to those that listen...Can't find much in me to give any care to what people think of how I'm 'too honest'...I've not mastered the art of bull shitting or beating around a bush, sue me...
Do you have to define yourself as an Aspie all the time? I get out of sync at times and humans do confuse me as well...(I get animals much better though little kids don't bug me at all). I am NOT an Aspie.

See the pieces of you rather than the whole maybe.