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OTC Codeine in USA (Texas)?


Oct 20, 2012
Is it possible to buy cough syrup w/ codeine legally in very limited amounts since it's a schedule V.

I hear big time pharms wont sell it like walmart, heb, cvs, ect.

People say small Pharms will sell it if you provide an ID and sign for it.

Is this true or bs?
i know somebody in washington state that used to do this a couple of years ago. i don't know about texas though, i doubt it to be honest
In some states (I know Virginia is technically one of them) you can buy codeine cough syrup OTC as it is technically in Schedule V. However (again, this may only apply to where I live) it is under "pharmacist discretion" which means they can refuse to give it to you for whatever reason they like. The big chain pharmacies usually will say no right off the bat but some times mom-and-pop places will give it to you. I've gone hunting for it before and had no luck. A few non-chain places said they would give it to me if I had filled a prescription there before (as they wanted to have my name on file, etc)

From what I can tell, state law differs when it comes to these things so my experiences probably won't directly translate to Texas...

I'm going to move this to the appropriate regional forum.

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