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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic



May 25, 2022
I get Vicodin legally. Sometimes I use it up too fast. Then I may have a few days without it, before I can get my monthly refill.

Believe it or not, I get withdrawal symptoms just from going 36 hours without a dose. The main symptom is akathesia. Some might call it Restless Leg Syndrome. It's pretty awful. I can't sit still. There's no possibility of sleep, until I get a dose. This doesn't go on for long because I'm careful not to run out too far ahead of my next refill date. Recently, I had about a day and a half of this miserable syndrome. To cope, I get into a tub of very warm water. Then I make the water as hot as I can stand. That sort of overrides the sensation of restlessness. It works for a bit. Then I feel I have to get out of the tub.

I'ld love to hear from anyone who has any clue what I'm talking about. Has anyone out there ever experienced akathesia from any cause? If I didn't know it was temporary, I'ld eventually throw myself off a cliff to escape the sensation. Can anyone relate?
I get Vicodin legally. Sometimes I use it up too fast. Then I may have a few days without it, before I can get my monthly refill.

Believe it or not, I get withdrawal symptoms just from going 36 hours without a dose. The main symptom is akathesia. Some might call it Restless Leg Syndrome. It's pretty awful. I can't sit still. There's no possibility of sleep, until I get a dose. This doesn't go on for long because I'm careful not to run out too far ahead of my next refill date. Recently, I had about a day and a half of this miserable syndrome. To cope, I get into a tub of very warm water. Then I make the water as hot as I can stand. That sort of overrides the sensation of restlessness. It works for a bit. Then I feel I have to get out of the tub.

I'ld love to hear from anyone who has any clue what I'm talking about. Has anyone out there ever experienced akathesia from any cause? If I didn't know it was temporary, I'ld eventually throw myself off a cliff to escape the sensation. Can anyone relate?
Yes, that feeling of wanting to flop around on the floor like a fish is called extreme wd….hot showers really does help, but it has to be so hot you can only be in there for 5 minutes, order poppy pods for these times and never wd again
Yes! "wanting to flop around" describes it very well. The flopping in bed is just like a fish out of water. (I would twist my knees to one side. Then twist my bent legs to the other side.) You are getting exactly what I'm talking about.

I will google "poppy pods" which I know nothing about. Thanks. Anything that would help I definitely want to have on hand. I expect this may happen from time to time, even though I try to ration my Vicodin. My provider is surprised that I get this w/d symptom after just 36 hours with no Vicodin. (Normally, I take a 10 mg tablet every 12 hours.)
I get Vicodin legally. Sometimes I use it up too fast. Then I may have a few days without it, before I can get my monthly refill.

Believe it or not, I get withdrawal symptoms just from going 36 hours without a dose. The main symptom is akathesia. Some might call it Restless Leg Syndrome. It's pretty awful. I can't sit still. There's no possibility of sleep, until I get a dose. This doesn't go on for long because I'm careful not to run out too far ahead of my next refill date. Recently, I had about a day and a half of this miserable syndrome. To cope, I get into a tub of very warm water. Then I make the water as hot as I can stand. That sort of overrides the sensation of restlessness. It works for a bit. Then I feel I have to get out of the tub.

I'ld love to hear from anyone who has any clue what I'm talking about. Has anyone out there ever experienced akathesia from any cause? If I didn't know it was temporary, I'ld eventually throw myself off a cliff to escape the sensation. Can anyone relate?
Indeed, I would wager the majority of us here know precisely what you're describing. It's one of the absolute worst WD symptoms.

What has worked for me, I want to express that this is only my personal experience, is 1200mg gabapentin combined with a full dose of Imodium, hot tea with ginger/honey/lemon, as scalding hot of a shower or bath you can handle, followed by whatever it is that may usually relax you (that preferably doesn't involve driving yourself anywhere) - be it chill comfortably to music, a slow walk, shutting your eyes in silence, anything.

I know it may sound odd, especially the Imodium; but I both read this method somewhere (I would love to remember where but as I tried later to find it, I failed, so perhaps I dreamed it but I don't really believe that) and was also told about it by an acquaintance. All I can say is that it worked for me several times and I recommend giving it a try. It may not work for everyone but again, it certainly helped me through many nights and if need be, I'll not hesitate to do it again.

I truly hope you find something that works if you continue to be unable to see your script through...I know how tortuous it is and I wish it upon no one.
I used to have a prescription for gabapentin, but that was some years ago. I possibly could get it again. The Immodium makes sense, since it is a synthetic opioid. It's OTC, so I can definitely pick up some of that.

Thanks for expressing that you know what I'm talking about. That means a lot to me. Last year I got admitted to the hospital for a bad intestinal infection. I told the doctors that I was habituated to daily doses of hydrocodone and would suffer withdrawal, if I didn't get it. Still they withheld it. They seemed to have no idea what I was talking about, when I said I couldn't be stopped cold like that. Next time I had to go in the hospital, I brought my own supply of Vicodin, hidden in a folded up sock. (They inventory all your possessions when you get admitted.) They should know better than to put someone through that.

I guess they think my opioid intake is too small to cause withdrawal, if stopped. Or they don't care. I was glad I had brought some Vicodin tablets to the hospital. To have withdrawal on top of a severe infection is truly torture. I took a tablet, as needed, to restore some normalcy. It allowed me to sleep. Without continuing my hydrocodone, I would not have slept, which is horribly stressful, when you're very sick. It just appalls me that doctors don't understand this.
Buy some black seed oil (Nigella sativa) it really helps to lower opioid tolerance, helps withdrawals and helps to reduce cravings.

You’ll be able to use it to boost and lower your hydrocodone dose. 👍
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Yeah RLS is a pretty common opioid withdrawal symptom.

I use to hate showering during opioid withdrawal though. Because A) the water felt gross on my body & B) I was too sore & sick that I couldn't muster up the energy to get up & even do it. Sometimes sitting a really hot bath tub felt really good tho on my aching muscles & body, but then I had to climb out of the tub too. lol
I definitely second everyone else here saying to maybe supplement your vicodin with other things to reduce this symptom.

Things like clonidine, gabapentin, dextromethorphan & loperamide can help bridge the gap between your next refill too. Just be sure to some research on these drugs so you don't end up either making yourself sick (or hurting yourself on accident) or end up with a new addiction to gabapentin, loperamide or other various drugs.
I'ld love to hear from anyone who has any clue what I'm talking about. Has anyone out there ever experienced akathesia from any cause? If I didn't know it was temporary, I'ld eventually throw myself off a cliff to escape the sensation. Can anyone relate?
Thanks I didn't know it had a name that horrible condition! I guess everybody in wthdrawal gets it, probably the intensity of it varies from person to person but it's horrible anyway.
I used to have a prescription for gabapentin, but that was some years ago. I possibly could get it again. The Immodium makes sense, since it is a synthetic opioid. It's OTC, so I can definitely pick up some of that.

Thanks for expressing that you know what I'm talking about. That means a lot to me. Last year I got admitted to the hospital for a bad intestinal infection. I told the doctors that I was habituated to daily doses of hydrocodone and would suffer withdrawal, if I didn't get it. Still they withheld it. They seemed to have no idea what I was talking about, when I said I couldn't be stopped cold like that. Next time I had to go in the hospital, I brought my own supply of Vicodin, hidden in a folded up sock. (They inventory all your possessions when you get admitted.) They should know better than to put someone through that.

I guess they think my opioid intake is too small to cause withdrawal, if stopped. Or they don't care. I was glad I had brought some Vicodin tablets to the hospital. To have withdrawal on top of a severe infection is truly torture. I took a tablet, as needed, to restore some normalcy. It allowed me to sleep. Without continuing my hydrocodone, I would not have slept, which is horribly stressful, when you're very sick. It just appalls me that doctors don't understand this.
Thanks I didn't know it had a name that horrible condition! I guess everybody in wthdrawal gets it, probably the intensity of it varies from person to person but it's horrible anyway.
I misspelled it above. It should be spelled "akathisia." The root is "kath," which comes from the Greek word, "kathedra," which means seat. Putting "a" before "kath" negates the idea of being in a seat. So it means the condition of not being in a seat. Anyone who gets it will understand. You can't sit still.

When I think of how awful my experience is, given the low level of opioid that I consume . . . I absolutely shudder in horror to think of what this is like for someone habituated to a lot larger opioid intake.
I misspelled it above. It should be spelled "akathisia." The root is "kath," which comes from the Greek word, "kathedra," which means seat. Putting "a" before "kath" negates the idea of being in a seat. So it means the condition of not being in a seat. Anyone who gets it will understand. You can't sit still.

When I think of how awful my experience is, given the low level of opioid that I consume . . . I absolutely shudder in horror to think of what this is like for someone habituated to a lot larger opioid intake.
Yeah habit with larger tolerance or which drug used for example someone coming off hydros would be a bit easier than oxy..BUT I think it comes down to time or how long you used habitually, someone CT hydrocodone after 5 years or longer will be absolute hell..

So if you are proud(lack of words) of your intake of opioids that aren't as strong, don't be a fool even codeine or weaker can and will turn on you eventually..

What did you say your current opioid/opiate habit is? And how long have you been going at it?
Yeah habit with larger tolerance or which drug used for example someone coming off hydros would be a bit easier than oxy..BUT I think it comes down to time or how long you used habitually, someone CT hydrocodone after 5 years or longer will be absolute hell..

So if you are proud(lack of words) of your intake of opioids that aren't as strong, don't be a fool even codeine or weaker can and will turn on you eventually..

What did you say your current opioid/opiate habit is? And how long have you been going at it?
I get 60 tablets of Vicodin every month. Each tablet contains 10 mg of hydrocodone and 325 mg of acetaminophen (same as Tylenol.) So I basically take one tablet every 12 hours. I've been doing that non-stop for at least 6 years. I love the stuff. It doesn't make me feel as good as it used to, but it still makes me feel better, both physically and mentally. If I could get a bigger supply, I would. My provider/prescriber won't give me more. I've asked. I take a laxative every day to prevent constipation.

Some days I look at the clock, just counting the hours till I can take it again. It's nothing to be proud of. If I could get more, I'ld take more.
I used to have a prescription for Ritalin. I found that 40 mg of Ritalin, combined with 10 mg of hydrocodone, gave me some substantial relief from depression, which is a thing that plagues me often.

I'm depressed now and fighting the urge to take more hydrocodone because I don't want to run out ahead of schedule. I try drinking, but alcohol doesn't help me much.
Thankfully for you it's a Lil Vicodin wd and not 20 day 30mg oxcodeone habit... I fell like I'm crawling from my skin and it's not pretty w nastiness coming out of both ends at one.. I broke down n did two rationalizing I'll quit when I find subs. Unfortunately never can get them. If u can stay away from the opiates bc it will be best decision u ever make... gotta go toss up now n crawl from my skin smh
I used to have a prescription for Ritalin. I found that 40 mg of Ritalin, combined with 10 mg of hydrocodone, gave me some substantial relief from depression, which is a thing that plagues me often.

I'm depressed now and fighting the urge to take more hydrocodone because I don't want to run out ahead of schedule. I try drinking, but alcohol doesn't help me much.
Gabapentin gets rid of the diarrhea, sweating, akathisia, cold/hot flashes and nerve damage associated with WDs.
Loperamide is an opiate, it binds to the opiate receptors all over your body(except ur CNS) especially in your gut. That's y it gets rid of most of the opiate wd symptoms, u just have to up the dose to 16-20mg max. It takes a while to kick in btw(around 4 hrs to fully take effect)
Like some poster above said, loperamide+ gabapentin is the best combo for opiate wds. U could add a benzo but only for the first few days(a long acting one- clonazepam or diazepam).
I've succesfully came off IV dope habits with just these 2 meds at different points in my life.
The loperamide+gaba does wonders. 👍
I get Vicodin legally. Sometimes I use it up too fast. Then I may have a few days without it, before I can get my monthly refill.
Hi. Ive had akhatesia due secondary effects of antipsycothics. But for me akhatesia and leg restless syndrom are diferents. Akhatesia is less annoying that restless syndrom. But what you experiment can be wds from vicodine. You can try to use pregabalin and a benzo. If it dont stop or get relief im sure its wds.

Believe it or not, I get withdrawal symptoms just from going 36 hours without a dose. The main symptom is akathesia. Some might call it Restless Leg Syndrome. It's pretty awful. I can't sit still. There's no possibility of sleep, until I get a dose. This doesn't go on for long because I'm careful not to run out too far ahead of my next refill date. Recently, I had about a day and a half of this miserable syndrome. To cope, I get into a tub of very warm water. Then I make the water as hot as I can stand. That sort of overrides the sensation of restlessness. It works for a bit. Then I feel I have to get out of the tub.

I'ld love to hear from anyone who has any clue what I'm talking about. Has anyone out there ever experienced akathesia from any cause? If I didn't know it was temporary, I'ld eventually throw myself off a cliff to escape the sensation. Can anyone relate?
Yes, this problem can be a side effect from antipsychotics. I hope, in your case, you have gotten over it.
Yes, this problem can be a side effect from antipsychotics. I hope, in your case, you have gotten over it
Thankfully for you it's a Lil Vicodin wd and not 20 day 30mg oxcodeone habit... I fell like I'm crawling from my skin and it's not pretty w nastiness coming out of both ends at one.. I broke down n did two rationalizing I'll quit when I find subs. Unfortunately never can get them. If u can stay away from the opiates bc it will be best decision u ever make... gotta go toss up now n crawl from my skin smh
I'm very sorry that you've suffered so much.