opiate withdrawals


Dec 27, 2016

I am new, been taking opiates 8 years after numerous injuries due to my job. I was up to 300 mg a day and the pills that were once My best friend were doing absolutely for me except keep me from getting sick. I was at the point where I could not go 3 hours without yawning and every hole in my face dripping. On NYers day I woke up and said that's it. Well I tried to cold turkey, but after 9 hours I felt like I was hit by a mac truck. I said no way I was gonna make it, I ordered that "kramton stuff" and while I waited I began to cut back. I waited for the "Kramton" like a kid waiting for xmas morning looking out the window for Fed Ex Well it came and I got that 'red dong' stuff which I read was the best for opiate withdrawals. I gulped 8 grams down with pink grapefruit juice. I waited nothing happen, ok I would say nothing I felt like I smoked a joint, But withdrawals were still there. so its been 7 days I am down to 1 1/2 pills a day which is about 45 mg a day. It is tough especially at night. I am battling my mind constantly. I gave the 'kramton" a second shot again same effect. I took Gabapentin 600 mgs gave me a relaxed feeling for about 10 mins. I have been through a lot of shit in My life, but this is the toughest thing I have faced. Not the withdrawals as much as the mental effect. Its crazy because now when I take a little piece of a 30mg it gets me buzzed almost like the opiate is apologizing for not working in the past anymore. My pain is coming back things are hurting that I forgot bothered me. I am gonna try to go down to one by Monday taking 7 mg 4 x a day. I think this method is best. If u have someone to dish it out to you even better. I am trying not to get my family involved.. well good luck to everyone out there.