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on becoming a genius

i believe that everyone has the potential for genius, but not necassarily in IQ terms. Having a high IQ isn't the characteristic that qualifies someone as a genius. i believe that the mark of true genius, whether it be in art or science or music or literature, is the ability to discover truths that are hidden to the average eye. and to not only discover them, but to expose them and to introduce these answers to the people around them. genuis is being able to touch people's souls and being able to bring the common man up into their world. there are plenty of highly intelligent people out there, but they seperate themsleves, there is a divide. true genius breaks these barriers and brings all those around them to new hieghts of understanding and emotion. genuises open minds and expand the world.
Beanergrll did your twins have different nutrition intake?
Interesting story..
No ,they did not. Very equal, soy based formulas when they were infants. It's funny you mention that though.Have you ever heard of vanishing twin syndrome? It is where one twin absorbs the other twin in the womb. It usually went undected intill the invention of ultrasound. They didnt know about it before because women usually didnt know early on if they were having twins. The twin can later in life be found as a tumor most often in his twins body. There have been fetus skeletons and hair found in tumors and this is what it is from. Anyways... to prevent this from happening to me because one of my twins was gaining weight faster then the other (baby b- the lower IQ tested one was bigger) i was put on bed rest (in the hospitol because i didnt take my doctor seriously and she caught me at the mall- sheesh, 18 year olds having babies) in my 4th month through my ninth month so i could be nutritionally monitered and i had alot of blood testing and ultrasounds. I was also put in there to prevent premature labor.

They like the exact same kinds of foods and dislike the same as well.
Nutritionally as well as everything else they are very equal & compatible.
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beanergrl: I read your story with much interest. My sister and I had a somewhat similar situation. We had moved to a new school and we underwent testing without parental permission. I think my sister was suffering from a mild form of depression which impacted her performance. (She is shy and had not made any new friends, where I am much more gregarious and had adapted very quickly to our new environment.) Anyway, the school revealed our results in a most unorthodox way: They told her both of our scores. My parents found out we had even been tested when she went home crying.

Anyway, let me try to sharpen up my previous answer. If you are discussing genius strictly as "high IQ score", then I don't think you can make someone a genius. But I think if you mean genius in the sense of "being intelligent and having some sort of creativity component" (as defined earlier), I think it is possible. The example I used before was that sometimes an intelligent person can be refined into being a "genius". Depends on how you define all these terms, but I have defined what I meant and hopefully it fits together now. :)
do not allow another person to put limits on you. envision your life - acheive your goals.

i have met many people who have been scarred by test scores - i have never understood how these scores help anyone - i have heard few stories of people saying 'man - i was really down on myself till i took my IQ test!'

personally - i find deeper emotional stability more desireable than greater intellegence.
here are my subjective criterions in which i judge a person of being intelligent in a particular topic of interest

1. the amount of knowledge/information that the person has accumulated in the field

2. the ability to learn/obtain new information (facility, speed, desire, .. intermingled)

3. ability to conjure up creative ideas with the current amount of information

in general, i think #3 is what differentiates between smart people and geniuses.

now, for something a little bit different, my criterion on judging someone who lives life intelligently (wisdom)

for (person == alive) {
-> a person who puts oneself in the best possible situation to maximize happiness after garnering his/her initial conditions as well as gauging the surrounding environment and predicting the changing environment.

person = dead

I think "genius" today as a term is closely linked with achievement rather than intellect.

Now im in the school of thought who think genius can only come from some genes and hence some humans, but not all humans born with these genes and background will actually fall into the "genius" category.

This is where environment and personal drive seperates them apart.

Certainly not all humans have the potential to be a genius, thats just lying to protect egos.

I think genius is a broken word of late, we still hold it with some respect, but its thrown about too often and we havent learnt to happily define it again. We have moved away from thinking that only Einstein, Shakspeare and kids who complete uni at 19 are geniuses, but havent decided how far the term can go.
Is Micheal Jordan a genius in basketball for his ability to read the game ?

Genius i think, can come in many different areas, often to the ill of other parts of the individual (in fact this is often needed as we see by Autism where they have extrodinary ability in some areas often maths/music. But the task of getting the milk is too complex)

We all have the potential to improve ourselves, often to levels we never thought possible, however throwing around the term "genius" for 130 IQ's or your favourate music band is a assault on the word. But since words are never constant, and only as valid as we hold them then maybe this is the way its going.

Everyone likes to think themselves a genius, or a genius to be at some point (including this poster) but its not true. Genius is a sperate level of intellect, thats recognised through achievement. Maybe thats the great test rather than IQ.

I think we should stop looking at children via IQ tests and then pushing them around, demanding more, whilst looking at the elderly always with a glowing halo.

How about we look at those at the end of their life, see how worthwile they made their lives, what they achieved (and yes raising a healthy family is a true achievemnt) and then we may start to see what intelligence and intellect is all about.

When we stop looking through the world though these false prisoms often dictated by age and status we shall some day start recognising the truely worthwile and how best to achieve such aims in all individuals.
Catch 22- that is just horrible! your poor sister. i'm pretty sure now that twins are guinea pigs for many things in the govt controlled education systems.
IMO, Einstein was hardly a genious. To me the word genious decsribes soembody who knows about many things. Einstein knew science and thats about it. He had one very important discovery and was a genious of his field, but not an all around genious. Einstein failed many other subjects in school.
i don't agree at all.
about anyone can learn and know by heart
genius has little to do with knowledge
to quote him : Imagination is more important than knowledge
i'm convinced there can be more genius to a creative simple-minded than to someone intelligent but unable of innovation.
just by his philosophy and ideals he showed genius. (and he revolutionized science too)
In NLP a big part of the philosophy is that we are all essentially wired the same way so anything one human can do any of us can do provided we model the process by which the other person is doing what they do.

I like it as a personal philosophy, I like believing that we can all do anything that any of us has done. I'm not sure to what extent it is true that we are all essentially wired the same way though.