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Novel lysergimides

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Nov 4, 2014
Do you think the recent influx of new lysergimides and the fact that they are only accessible to buy with bitcoin is the reason bitcoin has spiked in price the past month?
I know on thing.....I'm kicking myself for not buying some a month ago when it bottomed out around $230
I've wondered the same. I'm just guessing, but I don't think the lysergamide market is big enough to have that kind of effect on the price of bitcoin. Also, most lysergamide buyers are probably buying their bitcoin then selling it for lysergamide pretty quickly, not holding their btc.
That's shitty. I've been thinking about purchasing the trio (1p, al-lad, eth-lad) with some BC. Call me biased or whatever but lysergamides are the only RCs that interest me too much anymore. I'd like to try some DOC at some point but there's not too much that really compares to LSD IME.
^what's shitty? The value of BTC doesn't affect the cost to you for the lysergemides - it's simply a currency. The prices are fixed to hard currency, so for example if the price of BTC doubles, then you need half as much of it to buy your Acids.
Are we starting to get out of bounds here with borderline vendor and price discussion ..?
Yeah haven't delved much into the BTC yet. I've been meaning to learn it all, but so long as the price is the same all good. Just was under the impression that it wasn't equal to currency.
I'm gonna close this because of the closeness to sourcing and price discussion partly, and also because this really isn't a discussion about psychedelics but a discussion about an online currency.
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