night sweats


Feb 17, 2014
Hi just wondering if anybody could shed some light for me I am currently taking ;
500mg test e EW
500mg eq EW
15mg dbol ED
0.5 mg adex EOD
All of the stuff is alpha pharma and codes all checked out
My problem is that every night I'm waking up dripping in sweat. Just wondering what could be causing this because it's never happened before.
Hey there,

I know nothing of steroid use, but your heading captured my attention.

Don't want you freaking out, but night sweats are never a good sign buddy. Especially if it's serious sweat,- wring out your shirt-type sweating that's come on suddenly & without explanation. I'm gonna hazard a guess & say that while probably no one on BL welcomes the idea of a lab picking over their bloodwork, a visit to your GP would be wise.

Unless of course someone with experience in this area would be able to reassure you that it's part of the game.

Hi just wondering if anybody could shed some light for me I am currently taking ;
500mg test e EW
500mg eq EW
15mg dbol ED
0.5 mg adex EOD
All of the stuff is alpha pharma and codes all checked out
My problem is that every night I'm waking up dripping in sweat. Just wondering what could be causing this because it's never happened before.

Unsure as to the exact mechanism, I believe it isn't temperature or diet has something to do with fluctuating hormone levels.
Night sweats typically occur when taking Tren. It's definitely gear related but I'm not familiar with any of the cornucopia of drugs you are taking are associated with night sweats. You have a lot going on inside your body. Expect sides.
Lots of things can cause night sweats; those AAS aren't known for having that effect though. Are you taking anything else, like aspirin at night, or any other meds that might possibly be affecting the liver aside from the dbol?
Had bloods done an everything's the same as it usually is an am not taking anything except what I listed in my first post
I wouldn't get too worried then. It's obviously not a hepatitis or major infection since that would show in your bloods and liver values. Just put down a towel at night and keep an eye on it for now. If your urine colour begins to change though I would definitely contact your GP.
Yea will do I'm not worrying about it to much its just more annoying than anything waking up an habvin to sleep on me chair aha
I get night sweats from any hormonal level changes. Even just going from cruise test to higher test (150 test to 300) I'll get them for a week or so til levels stabilize. Even get the vivid dreams like people mention from tren usage. Oddly enough this brand of tren e, once my levels stabilized, I have no sides at all except some mild cardio issues that I can work through. Just try to keep levels stable and it'll fix a lot of problems. This includes spacing your orals through out the day properly which if I don't, I can encounter some sides as well. I remember being stupid with my epistane dosing for a couple days and it gave me night sweats.
Night sweats can be due to lot of things...You should consult this with your doctor.