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Misc New warnings on Robotussin: "Can Cause Addiction"


Apr 29, 2018
Just bought a bottle of Robotussin Dry Cough (the one where DXM is the only active ingredient) and noticed a new warning on the bottle that says "Can Cause Addiction" and it also has a thing saying "Warning: Can cause an opioid-like high when taken in high doses"*

Anyone seen/noticed this?

*which, honestly, I think is just gonna give people ideas :/
Robotussin is crap. Smoke some P.C.P. or drop some acid for a good trip. There's so many other drugs out there. So, why do people resort to Robotussin ?
I guess your right about that. I remember back when I was a teenager and I used to drink a bottle of Robitussin or Benadryl just to get Hallucinogenic effects. But at that time I was unaware that they produced nasty tripping. During that time I though those were just the typical effects of a Hallucinogen. It wasn't untill I started smoking Pot and dropping acid that I felt great wile tripping.
Uh, yeah, that warning is extremely specific. "Hey kids, wanna get that unbeatable high that's causing people to die on the streets every day? Steal this or make your mom buy it for you!" I don't even think the effect comparison makes sense.

The addiction warning is also goofy (though I think it might have already been there for a bit now). How many people who have abused dextromethorphan actually get addicted? I feel like the percentage has got to be really small.
I tried dextromethorphan once recreationally. While every dissacociative that I had drove my blood pressure to about 95/150, I just couldn't stand the sense of physical pressure that dextromethorphan made me feel in my head. And that was an amount for one of the lower recognized hallucinogenic levels.
The thing I can't stand about it is that it makes my blood feel so hot it's like fucking lava, and yet I shiver as if I'm cold, so I have no idea what to do with my body in terms of temperature on it. I also disliked the dissociation since the feeling of everything being kind of fake/unreal on it always pissed me off for some reason. Basically the only thing I liked about it was the cozy, fuzzy afterglow I got after the main event, and just generally not being sober because fuck I hate my normal state of existence so much sometimes that anything is preferable to that.
Uh, yeah, that warning is extremely specific. "Hey kids, wanna get that unbeatable high that's causing people to die on the streets every day? Steal this or make your mom buy it for you!" I don't even think the effect comparison makes sense.

The addiction warning is also goofy (though I think it might have already been there for a bit now). How many people who have abused dextromethorphan actually get addicted? I feel like the percentage has got to be really small.
Wow, you and I actually agree on something.