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RCs New stimulant DCC. Any info?


Moderator: AADD
Staff member
Mar 1, 2021
I came across someone asking about this on Reddit last night and haven't been able to find any information other than this short blurb from a vendor "DCC is a new stimulant research chemcial, similar with eutylone, but better effect in researching!".

Anybody heard of or know anything about it at all?
Fuck these vendors, if it is the one which I found by searching for this term. Looks pretty amateurish, I wouldn't trust that they know what they ship you without testing it...

Could be possible, thanks!
And yeah I know doesn't look the most professional. More curious if anything.
I tried it: it's similar to MDMA headspace wise, it's extremely serotonergic and has got quite a while of a bodyload. That was at 140-50 mg, oral.
The one person posting a report on a mystery cathinone literally has a link in their forum signature to a Facebook group that seems to only exist for someone to shill their own chemicals... Yeah I'm not buying it.

"DCC" is just a random brand name used to sell whatever bullshit the vendor wants to until proven otherwise. I've also seen people advertising "DC2" similarly. Even if it were 2,4-dichloromethcathinone, that would likely be a pretty shit chem, just like 4-CMC was.
3 and 4 chloro MCAT were shite. I expect 2 to be little better if not worse and dichloro to be much the same.

Sounds toxic as fuck, see 4-Chloro-Amphetamine for reference