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Mar 25, 2010
Would it be badto ask my doctor for 20mg ir adderalls twice a day with my 45mgs of dexedrine that id drop to 30 for that?

I feel it would work best for my situation or maybe 1 20mg xr in the afternoon.
What would be best would be to explain precisely why the combo you mention would be more effective for you than what you are currently taking to your doctor. If you have a well founded valid logic behind the reason why you need to change up your ADD meds, odds are your doctor will be receptive to changing your pharmaceutical regime.

If you're just trying to conjure up the best way to get high and don't have any basis to substantiate the specific cocktail you desire... well... you'll see what happens then I guess :)

I find most doctors (psychs anyway, gp's can be a little less receptive and a little more paranoid that you are a crackhead) are very willing to take your thoughts and concerns regarding ADD medications under serious consideration.

If you have a legitimate reason why you think one med will work better than another or why a combination of meds would benefit you, explain it to your doctor. Odds are, if it really is reasonable, he'll give it a whirl.
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What would be best would be to explain precisely why the combo you mention would be more effective for you than what you are currently taking to your doctor. If you have a well founded valid logic behind the reason why you need to change up your ADD meds, odds are your doctor will be receptive to changing your pharmaceutical regime.

If you're just trying to conjure up the best way to get high and don't have any basis to substantiate the specific cocktail you desire... well... you'll see what happens then I guess :)

I find most doctors (psychs anyway, gp's can be a little less receptive and a little more paranoid that you are a crackhead) are very willing to take your thoughts and concerns regarding ADD medications under serious consideration.

If you have a legitimate reason why you think one med will work better than another or why a combination of meds would benefit you, explain it to your doctor. Odds are, if it really is reasonable, he'll give it a whirl.
I was just askin if it would be proper after a month I have a damn good legitimate argument.........the guy said dex spansules were once a day things and that's NOT true......so I dunnno closed end/
Are you asking if you should ask your doctor to switch you onto 40mg instant release Adderall *AND* 30mg Dexedrine from 45mg Dexedrine? I don't know, no doctors that I've been to have ever prescribed me two amphetamine medications now would they except but that's just from *MY* experience.

Can I ask why you want to make that switch to begin with? You'll need a to have a logical explanation as to why you'd like to do that switch prepared for your doctor.

You are right that the Dexedrine spansules isn't a one-a-day medication. Its meant for twice a day, although I've been given it THREE times a day. They don't last long. Maybe 5-6 hours.
basically I want like 2 15mg xr adderalls in the am and pm adderall gave me a kick that dexedrine lacks and often makes me sleepy during class...I don't know which I should mention and I'm out of benzos and I need a script because well as you've read my posts I hate klonopin. I decided I might as well bring my pill botlles so he doesn't think I'm selling or abusing my meds...

I also tried the combo.....but with 30mgs of adderall and 4 or 5 dexedrine and another 30 later in the day I found it too work better. maybe Just one Adderall 20mgxr and get rid of 20mgs of dexedrine? I think thats a fair trade? or 10mgs....I'll say 10

I do NOT want off dexedrine though, Not ONLY has it increased my once useless libido it helped me be a lot more social than adderall ever has but there was a kick that im not getting from the dexedrine. I'll take it at different times, different days and I always end up sleepy when I need not to be which is right in the morning. Maybe I should ask for and IR instead of an XR......Either way I need a or a few adderall xr or an ir to get me through.....its not abusing I just want the proper medication....Maybe I should just ask for an increase in dexedrine my apts in 2hrs so I'm very frustrated. I want his help. I know he will help but he needs a reason. He seemed real iffy about giving more than one spansule of dexedrine a day? I didn't understand that shit Id do 2 spansules am and pm with ir adderall.......I don't know which is better to throw out there....and I think I like the klonopin its just iffy maybe I should switch back to valium but at a higher dose, or a higher dose of klonopin. Maybe get a few days worth of xanax xr to see how that works I dunno

5-6 hours is longer than my 2-3 and a half hours on the ir I have a FAST metabolism.....maybe he should be aware?
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I also tried the combo.....but with 30mgs of adderall and 4 or 5 dexedrine and another 30 later in the day I found it too work better. maybe Just one Adderall 20mgxr and get rid of 20mgs of dexedrine? I think thats a fair trade? or 10mgs....I'll say 10

Well, 20mg of Dexedrine is stronger than 20mg of Adderall. 10mg sounds like a fair trade. The rough equivalent is 60mg Adderall = 45mg Dexedrine.

It depends on whether or not your doctor is willing to combine similar medications. You would just need to have a good reason for why you want to take both. I guess your answer was reasonable but giving you another XR in the afternoon...maybe not. The effects would last too long throughout the day. Doctors consider Adderall XR to last 12 hours...although in reality its more like 8-9 hours...at least from my experience with it (I'm on it right now).
be carefull how you come off asking. your doc's "drug seeking behavior" sense could tell him to take you off stimulants and put on some shit drug that won't work like strattera. then you'd be worse off than when you came in...
be carefull how you come off asking. your doc's "drug seeking behavior" sense could tell him to take you off stimulants and put on some shit drug that won't work like strattera. then you'd be worse off than when you came in...

That is the reason why I thought that you he may want to think it out before asking to take two similar amphetamine medications at the same time. You could end up on some real shitty alternate medication if he looks at you as having drug seeking behavior. Be careful how you ask...if you really decide to.
I don't see that happening. I wouldn'task for two at the same time just 1 fools. Its not a big deal I think it makes sense. I get sleepy during the am. It wouldn't. Make sense to up my regular dose it sounds retarded he's already prescribed me 2 benzos. He knows what I speak of and I doubt he would have a problem with 1 ir tablet of 20mgs.......its not like I'm looking to get high like I'm sure a ton of people on here post this kind of shit for. I was basically asking if anyone at one point was on both.
Before I could finish my senetence on why I hate klonopin he said he would give my valium back and said I was giving off drug seeking behaviors I ended up crying for as soon as I walked out the door.............I'm going back to my old doctor and if he says the same shit I guess I'm fucked 15mgs of valium from 3mgs of klonopin..........this guy is nuts I'm going to be feeling like shit
Before I could finish my senetence on why I hate klonopin he said he would give my valium back and said I was giving off drug seeking behaviors I ended up crying for as soon as I walked out the door.............I'm going back to my old doctor and if he says the same shit I guess I'm fucked 15mgs of valium from 3mgs of klonopin..........this guy is nuts I'm going to be feeling like shit

Shitty, he must have little knowledge of benzodiazepine equivalence. To begin my taper off Klonopin I went from *1mg* to *20mg* Diazepam...the correct equivalence. Going from 3mg Klonopin to 15mg Valium...that is nuts. Where did he get those dosages from, out of a hat?
Drug seeking behaviors in big red letters in your medical charts sucks. Once the Dr picks up on a vibe, usually it's not long until a UA is ordered.
Shitty, he must have little knowledge of benzodiazepine equivalence. To begin my taper off Klonopin I went from *1mg* to *20mg* Diazepam...the correct equivalence. Going from 3mg Klonopin to 15mg Valium...that is nuts. Where did he get those dosages from, out of a hat?
yea hes a fucking idiot ill be taking 30mgs a day and im leaving him a message for his rude and uneducated behavior.....fucking stupid bitch gives me a script for 270 more dexedrine on the 18th.....im not gonna stop till this fucker gets the point...and to everyone saying red flag suck my dick , hes not red flagging me hes just really fucking paranoid douchebag

i dont get how the fuck you get 15 outta 3mgs of clon a day...what a fuckbag

I DIDNT EVEN MENTION THE AMPHETAMINES ....i told him he highly offeneded me and he gave a fake apology

the funny thing is i set the apt up for med probs he said how are you i said soso he asks me what the problem was i said well the klonopin has the complete opposite of anxiety relieving effects and he goes your giving me drug seeking vibes i said heres my klonopin take them write me a script heres my restoril that i should have been out of 5 days ago....fucking asshole
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