• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Neurotoxicity of amp vs cocaine, risk of anhedonia

Anhedonia can last many months but if we're talking about occasional use I think it would be limited to weeks. The brain is pretty good abou regulating itself as long as there is no permanent damage done.
As someone who has witnessed anhedonia from Phenibut use i can attest that anhedonia is absolutely horrible. Theres also been a thread about it that has some usefull information on the topic : http://www.bluelight.org/vb/archive/index.php/t-685503.html

Anhedonia is very weird tho because the pleasure is still there but you cant enjoy it. Kinda like watching a firework as blind person. You can hear the bang and know its going on but you cant enjoy it because you cant see the colorfull lightplay in the sky.
And I have heard that Cocaine's neurotoxicity is very similar to Ritalin,
Coke will not cause neurotoxicity.
^QFT. M(A)RIs (monoamine reuptake-pump inhibitors) are enthalpy driven; actually shown to be neuroprotective; also studies show that abusers of cocaine have less instances of Alzheimers than normal, non-drug-abuser neurotypical control-study-pool individuals, statistically, but amphetamine abusers (a MRA; monoamine releasing agent; it's method of action is entropy driven; phosphorylating and internalizing the transporter) have higher life-long chances of running into the Alzheimers disease progression.

Ultimately Ritalin is probably the safest bet.
thank you for the suggestions. I'll research ritalin.

Ritalin is a controlled substance (diverted pharmaceutical without an Rx, etc) in many places (for instance, the USA from whence I hail), but there are grey market (legal as long as not touted as a cure, medicine, mind-altering substance or etc. i.e. a legal grey area, not technically illegal but find the proper lawyer to construe this or that analog act and....) analogs that could be better in some capacity, esp. the legal one;

I myself found a vendor a few odd years back for ethylphenidate that would actually send to the U.S. and tried it intravenously (I used to slam white girl/llello and can not compare the rush to any other, even stim., esp. even methamp IV.) since I knew it was pure I think I started too small and missed the "rush", but the methylphenidate skeleton dissociates from binding to the same site as cocaine five times more readily: (cocaine has a 5.6 kcal/mol entropy of binding & methylphenidate 25.5 kcal/mol, a bit less than 5×) so it may not have quite the same "blast" of onset regardless (I've heard of people using ritalin pills prep'd for injection and IV'ing them, it may have been the binding messing with the solution, but they said the "bell-ringer" was delayed by about half a minute compared to cocaine)

Of course, the above is not on par with the question so I bundled it, just a colloquial experience abusing an MPH analog in a more extreme manner than the OPs consideration of its use for. However, when I speak of MPH analogs, I think of the differences in monoamine affinity over methylphenidate (that is the generic name for Ritalin) like for instance methylnaphthylidate, they are more serotonergic and that may be something that is desired for easing come downs generally. Cocaine actually hits 5-HT transporters (SERT, the serotonin transporter) fairly well, the same is true with methamp, but not Ritalin, so considering a variant that takes that into account is probably my suggestion here. I wrote the WP article on MPH analogs, just updated it the other day, in fact.
but amphetamine abusers (a MRA; monoamine releasing agent; it's method of action is entropy driven; phosphorylating and internalizing the transporter) have higher life-long chances of running into the Alzheimers disease progression.
I think you mean Parkinson's disease.
Just my two cents, I wouldn't be surprised if other factors like stimulant induced insomnia led to Alzheimer's, but is there a solid connection between amphetamine use and Alzheimer's?
I haven't come across any papers that make that connection.
I think you mean Parkinson's disease.

Perhaps its a personal bout with the early onset of said disease that makes me presume that was the one; I remembered having read...... but if it can't be found, then disregard my demented opinion. ;-p