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Need help with new IV spots ....


Dec 23, 2009
MAN! I've been googling and searching and searching and I just CANT find an answer to this question. And I'm beginning to wonder if it either can't be answered or I'm googling the wrong key words ...

Here's the situation:

1) I'm 6'2" @ 240 lbs - so I'm not skinny, but I'm not obese either. The problem is, my veins don't stick out on the surface of my skin like they use to. In fact, you can't really see them at all.

2) I've been shooting in the same spot for MONTHS AND MONTHS now and I seriously need to find new locations, preferably in an area that is not normally exposed. like the leg maybe ... but I haven't a fucking clue about where to start looking for other veins to shoot with.

Any advice, tips, instructions would be VERY MUCH APPRECIATED!

I have no experience in this practice, but i know some people shot in they groin, try and search for that area, but dont try before some one with more knowlegde answers as it is quite dangerous!
Everyones always thinking "I've shot out all of my veins" but really you just gotta know where to look. First of all try taking a shower so the veins pop out. Look on your hands there should be some decent ones there, nothing huge and super easy to hit but they're there. Also, on your wrist there is a vein that runs on the side for right arm its on the left side of your wrist. Def try tying off so it pops because its a little small. When I was narcaned the paramedics hit me there and I didn't know it existed. I don't know much about the groin and the neck areas because theres ALOT of places to hit that aren't nearly as dangerous. You can try hitting in your dick, I wouldn't, but I suppose you could if you really needed to. Your feet also contain some small veins and stuff but I find that its hard to inject there because they roll around when you stick the needle in. HOpe you find something.
My primary goal is to only use the bend in the arm once a day or once every other day. The hands and wrist are out unless I only used them once until the site was completely healed. Not showing anything is obviously important.

Ideally I could find a few spots in my legs but is that possible? Do the legs contain accessible veins?

And does anyone know of an online reference for vein mapping? My buddy told me some time ago the County use to have classes for iv drug users along with a needle exchange program, so maybe some government agency somewhere has created an online reference somewhere - done in the interest of public saftey ...???

Everyones always thinking "I've shot out all of my veins" but really you just gotta know where to look.
This dont belong in drug culture, its a medical/health issue not a drug culture one, movin this to healthy living thats the best I can think of, that or basic drug discussion...IDK, HL mods do wat u wanna
I have no experience in this practice, but i know some people shot in they groin!

No one should ever have such experience :\

Looking for veins with the help of cold showers, tourniquets, and mirrors is a good indicator that your habit has turn into a pretty dire lifestyle. Injecting in the midsection should be a last resort; it's extremely dangerous. If you're getting to that point (regardless of the reasons why), you might want to look into addiction counseling.

A recent thread on the issue:


Otherwise, all I will suggest is getting a copy of "Gray's Anatomy" from the library. Find the chapter on veins, make sure you're always missing nearby arteries, and enjoy an accelerated end to your life.
I switch beteen my hands, wrist, opposite of forearm, inner arm on BOTH arms. If you rotate a lot, by the time you get back to the same spot, it's had some time to heal. Ofcourse if you're shooting like 10 times a day (or more) then there' not much you can do. Maybe once a day you could plug or IM.
Hot water helps so much. Run some steamy water over the spot you intend to shoot. I used to shoot up right in the shower. I also used to shoot my feet and near my ankles when my use got too high. They weren't too hard to find. Don't shoot your femoral vein. It's east to hit your artery there by accident... I'd shoot my neck before I shot there.
I know sometimes you think there's no good locations left, but there usually are. I remember when I joined the methadone clinic I told her there's no way you're getting blood from arms. She stuck me and got a flow the first time. I was stunned.
And don't forget the basics:
Use a new set every time.
Rub an alcohol pad over the injection spot before injection. (It helps bring the veins up)
Don't forget if you use a tornquet to release it after you find your vein.
My primary goal is to only use the bend in the arm once a day or once every other day.

If you're going for inconspicuous this is the last place I would use. Everyone looks at the forearms for evidence of IV use. I try to stay away from that area altogether and use the backs of my arms only -- if possible. If people ask I just tell them it's a cat scratch. Also if you miss, the area does not get too inflamed and it is not nearly as painful, and it heals much more quickly.
I also used to have a problem seeing my veins as, although I'm thin, I am not a very muscular girl. However, with practice, I can feel them out without having to see them at all.
I would suggest using your legs as I have seen many people be successful, but I don't know how much fatty tissue you have on your legs. The more, the harder. It is difficult to give you advice on this subject as describing is harder than visually showing. But I agree with lazylazyjoe that warm water helps wonders. The feet are easy to use but can be very painful if you don't know what you're doing. Using a new outfit every time will help you hit right away.
I think you will just need more practice.
Do upper body work outs, and apply warm water to the area before injecting.

If this doesn't help, use a tourniquet.