TDS Nauseated, help?


Sep 26, 2012
i was told to re post a thread I had in basic drug discussion, so I am not sure how to do that, but here is how it started guys...
I have been doing meth on and off for four months not. I have a long history with this, and this last time was the first after 2 years clean. I have taken breaks, week long breaks, but my last break was three weeks ago. But, I do sleep at night, sometimes taking a 1/2 day break or more with sleep as well as I am eating normal. I am totally nauseous, and in fact today I started to have other symptoms like goose bumps/chills on my arms and I felt warm on my face, even though I didn't a fever. I felt clammy and gross. I have done binges before, but I have never had this happen. I snort the drug for the most part, sometimes i smoke when with friends. Any advice on how I can remedy this? Or insight on this subject? Thanks
I'm not quite sure I understand. Are you saying you get nauseous/clammy etc. when you stop taking meth after a binge? Because in that case it sounds like withdrawal symptoms.
Well firstly, you have quite a history with meth..
Eventually after time spent on & off, on & off, on & off a drug, you can expect to develop some unwanted problems that were not pre existent.
I don't know your body so I can't tell you exactly what the problem is, but to me it sounds like you are developing some side effects that may or may not be alarming.
I would try and speak to someone like a doctor who can examine and diagnose you.
Hopefully you are just feeling sick due to unrelated matters !
All the best
best thing you could do is to boost your immune system i think

olive leaf extract works wonders

so does eating lots of raw fruit and veg and a balanced diet and sleep pattern
I find diphenhydramine to be helpful for nausea. 75mg usually helps a lot.
Hey guys thanks for the replies... The nausea has gotten better, but on occasion I still get it. I haven't been able to stop doing the meth, but I know I need to, I know my immunity is low, and I know I am getting sick and making myself vulnarable to who knows what else. I eat, I sleep, I do everything normal now, i have gotten accustemed to this "medicine" I take every day now. It's crazy.. I don't know that i am totally physically addicted as much as I am mentally addicted. I wont' really know how physically until I quit, but I am scared, and I am still hiding this from everyone so I don't know how to come down. I am in such a pickle I want to do the right thing and quit, but I dont' know how to make time for it. Does that sound crazy? Thanks again!!
Hey guys thanks for the replies... The nausea has gotten better, but on occasion I still get it. I haven't been able to stop doing the meth, but I know I need to, I know my immunity is low, and I know I am getting sick and making myself vulnarable to who knows what else. I eat, I sleep, I do everything normal now, i have gotten accustemed to this "medicine" I take every day now. It's crazy.. I don't know that i am totally physically addicted as much as I am mentally addicted. I wont' really know how physically until I quit, but I am scared, and I am still hiding this from everyone so I don't know how to come down. I am in such a pickle I want to do the right thing and quit, but I dont' know how to make time for it. Does that sound crazy? Thanks again!!

It really isn't medicine. I know you know that but I wanted to stress to you how even with the quotation marks around the word it is a dangerous word to use and a dangerous way to think. Medicine is a drug you take to make an illness better or to cure an illness or as a very last resort for pain. Meth causes a lot more pain than it alleviates.

What is the scary part of quitting? Do you use it for motivation? Happiness? What was life like before you got into doing meth? When you say you don't have time for it do you mean going to a detox?

Hiding it from everyone is probably making it even scarier. You have the fear of exposure and the fear of judgment on top of the fear of letting go of what you see as the benefits of taking the drug itself. That's a lot to carry on your shoulders every day. Sometimes the fear of being judged is just us judging ourselves. You need to believe that you are a good and worthy person. You got caught in an addiction and you need help and support to get yourself out. There is no shame in that. Everybody makes risky and often bad decisions, but not everyone gets addicted. There is a world of difference between taking responsibility for a bad decision and beating yourself up for making it. I hope you can let someone in on the secret and get some support. If that is too scary right now with friends and family, can you find support in therapy or at a meeting? I hope that we can offer you much support here but you need more. I wish you all the strength and courage and vulnerability in the world.<3