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Advice My girlfriend is not sexually attractive


Dec 27, 2005
My girlfriend is nice and has a cute face, but I don't find her body sexually attractive. I used Viagra to get erections, and after a while I realised that's because her body won't turn me on.

I think she likes me and we get along well, but the physical part is complicated, because we barely ever have sex. She never suggests having sex (she says she's not really a sexual person), so I always have to make the initiative. This means I'm horny enough maybe once a month.

I wonder if I should continue this kind of relationship? I feel like a terrible person for saying she's not sexy, but what can I do about the fact, that my mind feels like this. It's not really something you can just decide.

I'd probably want sex more often if she had a hot body.

This results in me having to watch porn and masturbate sometimes. It's kind of lame having to masturbate while having a relationship. :(

Any tips are welcome.

is she even your girlfriend when you don't really find her attractive??

And honestly, I don't think this arrangement is gonna work out. You need to be sexually compatible in a romantic relationship and you need to BOTH feel attraction to each other. Sooner or later you're gonna come across some other girl who really pushes your buttons, and then you're either gonna cheat and feel like a dick about it, or have to come clean. My advice is to break up before you get into that situation.

She should be free go find a boyfriend who's actually into her, and you shouldn't be feeling frustrated and deprived in a relationship. If the reason you got together in the first place was that she was just sort of there, or the only girl you managed to get with at the time (I obviously don't know your situation), then that's not a foundation for a relationship with any kind of future. If it was that you really clicked with her personality-wise, then there's no reason to lose that. There's such a thing as feeling really close to a girl but not wanna have sex with her. Revolutionary idea, I know. 😉
If however from her side of things, she's totally in love with you or something, then of course it's better to just make a clean break (while being as gentle as possible on her feelings), otherwise shit gets too messy.

.. But yeah you're definitely not suited as sexual partners, that much is obvious.
My girlfriend is nice and has a cute face, but I don't find her body sexually attractive. I used Viagra to get erections, and after a while I realised that's because her body won't turn me on.

I think she likes me and we get along well, but the physical part is complicated, because we barely ever have sex. She never suggests having sex (she says she's not really a sexual person), so I always have to make the initiative. This means I'm horny enough maybe once a month.

I wonder if I should continue this kind of relationship? I feel like a terrible person for saying she's not sexy, but what can I do about the fact, that my mind feels like this. It's not really something you can just decide.

I'd probably want sex more often if she had a hot body.

This results in me having to watch porn and masturbate sometimes. It's kind of lame having to masturbate while having a relationship. :(

Any tips are welcome.

I am Blind so I don’t know exactly how looks/Body type determine sexual attraction, though I guess it’s analogous to how voice, Personality and behaviour determine whether I find a girl sexually attractive or not.
My advice to you, similar to what TheUltimateFixx has already told you, please end the relationship as soon as possible. yes, we shouldn’t be too shallow when selecting partners, but there has to be a decent level of sexual attraction to keep a relationship healthy and happy. Explain your situation to your girlfriend and show lots of compassion, maybe even offer a little financial or emotional support following the break up to help her find a new partner. from your description, I assume she isn’t particularly ugly or unattractive, so she’ll probably easily find a new partner who finds her extremely sexually attractive.
I must also say that you have to consider your own needs. it is very unfair that you remain in a relationship which does not satisfy One of your basic psychological needs.
I hope you have the confidence to do what’s right for you and wish you all the best in future.
Few things (firstly obviously, why is she your girlfriend again? Usually some kind of sexual attraction is a prerequisite to relationships...):

I used Viagra to get erections, and after a while I realised that's because her body won't turn me on.
This seems like a strange thing to "realise"... did you experience erectile dysfunction prior to this relationship, which lead you to start using Viagra? It's also possible that you have an underlying health condition that has nothing to do with her - in fact I'd say it's more likely. I mean... how do you end up in an apparently kind of sexual relationship with someone who does nothing for you...? It's always easier to find external reasons for our problems.

I always have to make the initiative. This means I'm horny enough maybe once a month.
It's pretty normal for one partner to take the initiative more often. Is this something you've ever talked about? If not, you should. If she's unwilling to look into her own reasons for having a low sex drive then yes you might just be incompatible. HOWEVER, once a month to me suggests a pretty low sex drive from you also, depending on age... which makes me think it's even more likely that you yourself are not in the best of health and should probably try to address this first. If both of you are neglecting yourselves and experiencing suppressed sex drives for this reason, I'd say you should both independently try to work on yourselves before blaming the relationship for your own issues. I mean... maybe your girlfriend is in fact a sexual person but is just being kind to you about the fact that she never wants to have sex because she's not attracted to you. But there has to be some reason you both ended up in this relationship..

I'd probably want sex more often if she had a hot body.
I would not count on this.

This results in me having to watch porn and masturbate sometimes. It's kind of lame having to masturbate while having a relationship. :(
Hmm, you said that you're horny enough to have sex maybe once a month. How often are you watching porn and/or masturbating?

It's not unusual to masturbate while in a relationship - it's not your partner's job to ensure you never need to masturbate. The fact that you think it's lame to have to makes me think your expectations about relationships are pretty skewed, and overuse of porn is pretty well documented by now to really fuck with one's expectations about sex and relationships.

It's quite possible that you are both just incompatible, but there are several things about your own habits and your own mindset that should concern you, and you should be focused on before you start thinking that having a different partner would just fix you, because I guarantee it won't, and unless (or tbh.. even if) you're only with your partner out of convenience and insecurity which prevents you from being with someone that you actually want to be with then breaking up with them isn't going to immediately resolve whatever issues lead you to this situation in the first place - if anything it will make it worse.

To be honest it doesn't sound like you are in the right place to be in a relationship, although not for the reasons you think - but before you go throwing the baby of a relationship with a hopefully good human being who hopefully genuinely cares about you, out with the bathwater of your own insecurities, skewed expectations, and unwillingness to deal with your own physical and/or psychological issues... I would just take a closer look at that bathwater.

I am Blind so I don’t know exactly how looks/Body type determine sexual attraction, though I guess it’s analogous to how voice, Personality and behaviour determine whether I find a girl sexually attractive or not.
Moreso just voice, out of the things you mentioned. Although IMO, voice and personality - and behaviour, which can be grouped with personality, really - should not be grouped together, for the same reason I am about to explain. What someone looks like, just like what someone sounds like, is a surface level trait anchored solely in one of the primary human senses (sight, obviously) - but personality is far more complex, and generally takes precedence over the shallow, first impression properties of what someone looks like, and what someone sounds like... And given enough time to experience someone's personality, can even alter the way we think about this more basic sense data.
I can’t help but ask if this is the same relationship you cited in your thread from last October, in which you expressed preferring masturbation to sex.

I must posit that your priorities are out of balance. Try not masturbating for a couple of weeks and see if that alters your perspective. It may be that this person isn’t the right fit, but I suspect you’ll keep arriving here as a paradox, though the answer is likely to be more than evident.
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I can’t help but ask if this is the same relationship you cited in your thread from last October, in which you expressed preferring masturbation to sex.

I must posit that your priorities are out of balance. Try not masturbating for a couple of weeks and see if that alters your perspective. It may be that this person isn’t the right fit, but I suspect you’ll keep arriving here as a paradox, though the answer is likely to be more than evident.

what if he's jerking off because he'd rather jerk off than bang her?

you didn't even think of that, did ya

Is her look “fixable”? As is if she’s fat, tell her it would be nice she gets into shape. If it’s not too much weight or lack of firmness or whatever than I guess since you even ask us, it’s time to leave.
I used to just close my eyes and pretend I was with a guy. I seriously thought I could continue that charade forever lol.

Honestly it's kinda sounds like she doesn't find you attractive either. 😮 I know , earth shattering revelation. Maybe you guys should just move on to greener pastures.

Sex isn't everything in a relationship. I get that, but attraction is a two way street. You should be able to draw that sexual energy off of each other. It's that undeniable primal passion that literally builds bonds.

Best of luck peace
You are going to have to move on sooner or later. This will come to a head eventually.